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Everything posted by steven

  1. :)go to talking electronics site on the net look at the car tracker or beeper bug
  2. thankyou audio guru i dident know till now its a 14 pinner type ic
  3. :)has anyone got any data on the tlo74 ic and some circuits its used in , and if possible what are any replacements for this ic ,
  4. audio guru ive made the latest changes with your corections and it seems to be ok ill post more replies when i get fresh batteries
  5. mosfets are very dear here , and the npn power trannys are cheaper and i can use the 2n3058 to besides the 2n3055 for the ignition coil driver , the 2n3058 can handle more voltage than the 2n3055 but then i use 12 volts lead acid cell batteries so im satisfied with the great arcs i get from 12 volts , i have no need for any more voltage input than i can allready get
  6. audio guru ive lernt that from surfing the net that movs are handy for mosfet protection , i was looseing mosfets in the circuit and so when i put in an mov ive never lost a mosfet since not bad hey , and even if they was suposed to be protected in circuit then the mov would provide the extra protection
  7. i see you use a mosfet instead of the 2n3055 npn power transistor , and if ya did use the 2n3o55 tranny , then you will have less chance of looseing that transistor as its not static sensitive like the mosfets are and will last longer . for the mosfet well you will need an mov from drain to source for protection
  8. its in the high voltage stuff section somewhere
  9. oh by the way if it takes to long to read all my posts . when exsperimenting with my high voltage output flyback transformer some time back, useing the same driver circuit , a wire come off a pot and the whole circuit went into resonance , acording to what i was told , the flyback would of went into resonance with the mosfet, resulting in super longer arcs , allso at the time i was allso runing the hv outputs through a modified high voltage polarity indicater , i think, anyhow if ya get it right youll be suprized at how far the arcs would go , and the battery i was useing, i think i was useing the high power 12 volts lead acid cell rechargeble battery for it
  10. :)very unusual teddy, what looks like 2 high voltage outputs is actually one high voltage output and the other the return , and the inputs well the neg is normally allso the return but i see its not , just different . i have a high voltage flyback transformer and it has a hv out and return both at the top like your coil has them both at the front, keep up the good work tedy lets see ya driver circuit for it , is it the same as the ones i use they are easyer to make to
  11. thankyou audio guru ill try that one to, all though there are more 741 circuits on the net to and the one i used before was one of them so i welcome the extra. oh by the way i tried that circuit you said to try and its not very good it dont work, the powerfull rare earth magnets have to be sitting on top of the coil and moved, like brushing it to get any reaction, from the audio amp , however the latest way i have it set up its so sensitive that i dont have to swing the magnet, i can raise it and lower it and get an effect in fact at nearly 10mm is pritty great range thats with the magnet away from the coil , and with the 1k and 10uf removed from the 741 circuit, and i taped to the led leg before the 10 ohms resister and i conected the other coil input to somewhere else , now my nine volts batteries aint full charge so the second was just a helper and when i removed the 9 volts battery from the preamp section it still worked , by just the induced voltage into the coil from the slightest movement of the magnet and with the battery back in its more responsive , and even though it aint audio signal i think, to be boosted at least im getting some form of sound from the amp section. ive saved that latest you posted so il be trying it to
  12. thankyou audio guru the electro in the 741 circuit i remved before with your recamendations and the 1k to so ill try the latest .by leaveing out the 104 monoblock
  13. :)oh i forgot to mention, the 741 inverter circuit in this allso woeks without a battery due to the induction of voltage into the coil from the slight movement of the magnet , the audio section has a battery to give audio reaction, i can see some good aplications here
  14. :)still conducting tests of this circuit, but i decided to intergrate the audio amp to it again and try something else and got a more sensitive response of the circuit with the few powerfull rare earth magnets from further away from the coil but even though the wieght of all the rare earth magnets may be a little bit hevey , ill just have to work on the coil by putting sensitive springs in so it will bounce more easyer than the magnets would to vibrations
  15. ive never seen a motor bike ignition coil before , but it dose make sense as even my car has 2 for the electronic ignition, and the coil posted has all the right stuff for a 2 cylender ignition coil on a moter bike i geuss
  16. strange but looks like it has 2 sets of inputs and 2 hv outputs so you can make to high voltage cap chargers in one with that
  17. :)rf bug sniffer or the car tracker or beeper bug may be what may intrest you, go to the talking electronics site on the net ,
  18. :)youll find the rf bug sniffer circuit in the talking electronics site , may give you some ideas
  19. :)sounds like you need a linear amplifier
  20. :)look in the forums somewhere fairchild photo transistor data, it inclkudes 2 circuits that sense light, i used
  21. :)theres a circuit in electronics lab somewhere called an everything that moves alarm. and it has a metal sensor plate , can you use a whole car as the sensor plate , so it goes off when you get near it
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