So, I ended up getting the PCB:s from Repairman (great service there) and have put one together, I do have a weird issue someone might be able to help me with:
The circuit the PCB is based on is the Liquidbyte version from the top of page 88 of this thread ( The things where I deviate a bit are:
The ballast resistors for the 2N3055's are 0.1 Ohm rather than 0.33 since I didn't have those available at sufficient power rating
The sense resistor is 0.46 Ohm: Rather, it's a small network of two 0.56 Resistors in parallell after which there is a single 0.18 one in series, yielding 0.56/2+0.18 = 0.46 Ohms, again for availability
The single 10 uF Polyester cap was also lacking, so it's replaced by two 4.7 uF ones in parallell, they turn out to measure almost exactly 10 uF
My rectifier bridge is only rated at 12 Amps at 250 V, this should be sufficient though
The Transformer is a 30V/4A, yielding the same 120VA
Now, when I fire the thing up, I can adjust voltage fine from about zero (haven't been able to calibrate it yet) but only up to 17.56V (which may not be that exact given it's from my multimeter). Turning the trim pot adjusts down from this fine, but when adjusting up it goes to those 17.56 and stops. Now, if I disconnect the voltage adjust pot entirely the output shoots up to 40V, connecting it back makes things stop at 17.56 again. Have looked things over and can't find anything obviously wrong, maybe someone has an idea to what may be happening would be greatly appreciated!