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Electronically curious

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Posts posted by Electronically curious

  1. Okay, I had check the condenser mic and it's not drawing any current since the Zener diode voltage remained the same if I take out the mic and put it back. But I do notice that if I took out the RTS0072 chip. The voltage increased a bit but when I put it back, it decreases.

    Unless it's supposed to do that.

    I also noticed that if I touched some of the jumper wires, the speaker produces different tones.

  2. I'm currently prototyping the device using the breadboard and I replaced the AP8072 IC with RTS0072. While testing it, the speaker only produces nosie and when trying to speak into the microphone, it doesn't work. I rechecked the wiring and the components but they're all in good condition and correct. I currently needed assistance with it and will appreciate it if you could provide some assistance with it. Thank you. 

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