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I get tired of the few argumentive members who want to go on and on with arguments about what someone has posted. In fact, at a point, I am fuming!
It would not be so bad if they posted a simple, "Here is how I understand it..." and then leave it alone. This would allow everyone a chance to share their knowledge. I have had members send me PMs about this and today I see this in a thread as well. Some members are afraid to post because even though they have years of knowledge of certain things, they do not have all of the theory books to backup what they would like to share. I think this is crap!



I agree there is too much of this going on. I post a simple timer that has been tested and proved to work and someone comes along and picks the little circuit (that works great) apart. Analizing and critisizing and changing the original simple circuit into a Metro Golden Mayer Production.


same member...
See my reply. You are correct in what you posted. In my teens, I was a rock guiitarist when I fell in love with the electronics involved. My first step was building professional cabinets for myself and other groups. I used a calculation program that took into effect the dampnig factors, slew rates, ohms, etc. Made some pretty nice cabs in those days. Later, I went on to circuit board design and manufacture and then, Electronic Technology.
I applaud you for your 25 years of experience in this field.



So MP, you have that kind of background too, mine where backstage! As a tech-manager for some rock musicians in the early seventies to the beginning of the eighties I have seen plenty of equipment. Speakers, amplifiers, echo’s and plenty of other stuff from Marshall, Laney, Dynacord, Hagstrom, JBL, Vox, and some names I forgot. And sure, they all had series connected speakers and paralleled speakers and all of them worked fine even the once equipped with my homebrewed crossovers!  ;D


Thanks for comming to my rescue. You guys are great. I tried a different tactic and it did not work either.
I first Complimented him on his helpful posts. Then asked him to open this subject for more study on the theory section and he thanked me for the compliment and threw out another argument.
Can't win against a know-it-all. ???


Sounds like we have very similar roots, ante! It's amazing how many guys in electronics started out in the music field.
You guys remember the Leslie Revolving speakers? Geez, I hated the sound of those things.

John, AG can't leave an argument without posting the last word. If you really want to move the theory part of the discussion to the theory area, you can split the post and move the part that turned into a theory discussion to the proper area.



Hi Guys,

Maybe ignoring is the medicine here! I know very well how hard it can sometimes be to keep the hatchet on  :-X but it might work or it might not. I hate to make him think he won though! ;D  Some people don’t give an inch even though you are standing on their throat. I have seen lately that “indulis” (a big bragger) is giving AG a hard time in some topics which makes me kind of happy!  ;D 
Bottom line we are all different, thank good for that and sometimes we can have bad day which makes us even more different! ;)

I haven’t had my hands in any speakers from Leslie but I think I have handled some reverb or echo devices, not sure though?

  • 2 weeks later...

MP, I am very disappointed!

What’s the point of deleting a working project?? Just because it’s one of Audiogurus projects? Don’t use the power as a moderator for some personal vendetta! I think that’s plain dumb and you are only making a fool of yourself this way! And why the hell are you deleting my posts? What was wrong with them? Show me the rule I have broken!!! I know AG is sometimes a little too much but all actions against him should be objective and aimed at the things he does wrong and absolutely not against any working project.
So, give him credit for what he’s good at and whack his head only for the things he does wrong!

This place used to be fun to contribute to but now I am not so sure anymore. I was already fed up with being threatened by some members so I’m considering quitting anyway unless some things change. And now this.
I guess I have played out my role here anyway!


I didn't delete a project. This is not about liking or disliking audioguru. As far as removing the posts, I had problems moving things to the theory area, so I apologize for your post that was lost. It was not as easy as I thought it would be to do.
Syed is making the project in his first post. I am not tolerating audioguru's continued posts telling him his project will not work or that it will blow up because he is not building the one he designed. That is not helpful. Audioguru can discuss the theory of what he thinks works and what he thinks will not work in the theory discussion area. He has already stated that he has never built an inverter. That only leaves him theory discussion. I do not want to cater to theory discussion in the Q/A forum.

By the way....who has threatened you? That's not right. No one should be threatened here.



I am very disapointed reading the above messages. I suggest everyone to calm down as a first step to take situation under control. MP as a moderator has the right to delete or edit messages in order to keep a quality on this forum, but i suggest to be very carefull doing this as this may assault others.

Also we must keep in mind that nobody here has the absolute right thinking. We must work on a documentary way to be clear, but this sometimes fails.

I strongly propose to STOP this contradictory behaveviour and turn discussion on a problem solving discussion. What we must do the next time.


Here is some constructive thinking:

What is there to discuss in a thread if not things like adapting a circuit (a project) to some specific needs and how to improve it in different ways? I believe that even though a circuit might work there is always room for improvements. Improvements can be many things like reliability, the choice of parts (the author might have had bipolars in his junkbox and MOSFETS are a better option if available) or just a change of a layout to save space. All these and more mods do not mean that the circuit is unusable as is just that it could be improved! So, if this kind of Q&A doesn’t belong in Projects Q&A I don’t know the proper place for them!

Problem nr2.
At this stage I am not prepared to name the two whom have threatened me since the magnitude of the threats are serious. All I can tell you is right now is that the background is that some of the links I have posted leads to pages where sometimes other links might reveal pictures of women/girls without covered heads/faces! One example of this attitude is that Logan was told to remove his avatar some time ago; though this was in the open (not PM or Mail) there was no serious threat (much to smart for that) and Logan refused and still has the avatar!
I resent this kind of things even though I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. A place like this should at all times be free from all kinds of religious fanatics and those who do not believe in equal rights for man and woman!


Projects Q/A is for members who are building a project who need help. Posts not helpful to building the project in the original post do not belong there. Discussion of the theory behind the articles belong in the theory section. After many theory discussion posts, the author of the original post starts asking me questions directly through PM and then through email. Audioguru is only driving people away from these discussions and you are helping him do that when you take up his side. Please allow me to take care of this without feeling the need to intervene. I am not out to get audioguru as you have been saying. I am only trying to keep the forum cleaned up. I apologize if I rubbed you in the wrong way in doing so.



Yes, projects Q & A should be for members and especially newbie’s who are building the projects. In line with helping these builders it’s sometimes (for some of the projects) hard to refrain from warnings. I think one way of helping is when you can actually advice how to spend your money in a better way by choosing different parts or connect the pieces together a little differently and so on. This is what I call good advice and it should be allowed in projects Q & A. If not the projects presented on this site should be decontaminated so that no newbie’s will fall in a hole unnecessarily.     
I do not agree when you say that AG is driving people away, on the contrary I read many posts where they thank him for his help and inputs. As I am sure you have noticed that I too have disagreements with AG from time to time but not at the same level as you two have by far. In some cases I have taken your side in arguments with AG because I believed you to be correct. This time it’s more than technical issues and I think you have gone too far.
Rubbed me the wrong way?, no worries I am ruff stuff. I also believe in letting the steam out and cards on the table for a cleaner environment! ;)

I did not see any response on the problem number two issue.


I think mixos should reply on the number two issue. If you are getting threatened, he needs to contact those members and warn that he will block them from the site. I have not seen this problem and was not aware that it existed on our site. I have seen many on the site mention god, but I am not bothered by anyone being religious. I actually have the avatars turned off because I do not like to look at some of them. I don't know what pictures anyone uses.



Yes, that was number two. Just so that you know; I am all for religion as long as it’s the peaceful and loving kind! So you have the avatars turned off, maybe you don’t like Logan’s avatar either? If you don’t know what pictures anyone uses how come you know that you don’t want to look at them?
I am not going to try to pull anything more out of you and since you as usual only answers or give your opinion on half of what I say I don’t have the energy to comment any further or trying to be constructive about the main problem.

I leave this here for Mixos to take care of!

Thank you!


ante, I turned the avatars off because I did not like seeing someone's favorite car, favorite girl in a bathing suit, animation, donald duck, superhero cartoon, or anything else that takes up space on the screen or takes time to load up or just flat out looks ugly to me. To go further on what you were asking, I think that since the ability to turn off the avatar is there, no one should be angry about what avatars members use. Just turn them off and you don't have to see it. Just like programs on TV that you do not want to watch. You just turn it off.

I suggest that you talk to mixos on this because I do not have the authority or means on this website to do anything about it. Mixos does.



I think that this discussion doesn't drive us anyware. Please let's finish it here. I suggest MP stops argumentation with Audioguru and rest of as keep focus on our job.

  • 2 weeks later...


I don’t think you should continue stalking Audioguru! In almost every thread he appears you immediately try to find something to argue about even if you have to split hairs you can’t stop yourself from interfering. I am all for discussions but this is not the proper way to discuss electronics or any other matter! We have an obligation to the members to deal with this in a proper way and not let this go out of hand. As I suggested earlier; ignoring might be the best medicine!
I have gotten plenty of mails and PM’s from concerned members about our disputes! I hope that none of the youngsters see the behavior here as a model, god forbid!


On the contrary, if you count the posts, you will see that I have only entered into a few of audiogurus last 20 or more posts. I only post where I have something to say. I have no intention of staying silent because audioguru is in the forum. Even where I have told him I was finished, he continues with ridicule and insult to try to keep it going...and at some point mixos says to stop.... I am getting tired of this crap.
It seems you are now telling me that I should not post my own opinions or views in the forums. For someone who is so quick to accuse me of censoring, I am surprised to see this from you. I certainly take offense of your accusation that I am stalking someone and that I should not post in a forum that has audioguru in it. I also take offense to you and audioguru resorting to ridiculing me in the forums such as I see in your most recent posts. You should listen to your own words.




You are obviously too good for the rest of us then! And, as usually the lack of self confidence appears in the way you answering a post! By only answering selected fractions of a post you avoid the things where you have no clue or have run in to a dead end! This is a sign of weakness and you are making a foul of yourself! There are numerous examples of this behavior in your posts! I did not advise against posting in any threads, just to quit while you are ahead!  You should read your own posts!!

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