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What makes a good solder desolder station?


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Can't anyone help out this member ?!  ???

I would help, but I'm trying to find out this myself...

I'm looking at a hot-air de-soldering station from Aoyue, the 968, it has interchangeble hot-air tips, for various type of chip packages (plcc,dip,sop,sil,etc...), see: www.aoyue.com or .de

What do you guys think of this for soldering and de-soldering ?


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I know my teacher has this solder desolder station by pace. The tips reach 800 degrees in about a minute! It is real nice! I want something like that but I think he said it was about $1000 USD!!

800º ?! That's Farenheit right ?

Also, never heard of "pace", is it a good brand ? Any link ?


P.S: Ante, what do you think of the model I presented ?
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