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Time Delay Relay & II


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I Know just know enough about electronics to be dangerous. Could you please help me with my projest?
I found these two projects under 'misc. projects'.
Can one of these projects be modified to a delay of between 0...3, 4, 5, and 50 milliseconds (0-50ms)?
I want to attach the delay to an electronic flash and be able to preselect the delay, say 20ms, hit the button and have the flash fire 20ms latter.
Flash bulbs take time to reach there full output and when full output is reached the shutter should be fully open to take the picture. What I am trying to do is make a substitute box, an electronic flash for a flash bulb, so I can test cameras.

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Please post links iwhen asking questions in future, didn't you read the sticky?

I assume you're talking about the projects linked below:
1) http://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/misc/014/index.html
2) http://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/misc/015/index.html

Number 2 won't work because a CMOS NAND gate can't output enough current to draw a relay.

Number 1 uses a 555 timer which can be configured to give a <50ms delay but it might not work with a relay because the contacts will take a finite time to open or close.

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