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Everything posted by elect

  1. Broadband over Power Lines. That is experimental project of implementation fast internet connection in existing home power lines. I think that is experementaly used in a contrey somewere in N America. Project haven't faund approbation of authoritys becouse interfere some radio amateur frequencies or somethink like that... I though that wos talk about that
  2. If, hipoteticly, milions of users are connected via BPL, would power voltage increse???
  3. Thank U very much Ante. I have searched all internet and cant findit for free...
  4. I forgat to tell. Picture appears and disappears twice a sec. When it is a bright picture it happens more frequently. Darken picture is relative OK.
  5. I have a problem with my TV Sony trinitron kv-29c1d... Cathode display of it continualy making change with regular tv broadcasting and black screen. Changes are more offen after it is just turnd on. Sound is good... I suppouse that Audioguru will know what is metter :)...
  6. Hi to all, I think too that Steven's curcit is better (it's easier to build), but it doesn't seem that it have a logarimic amplifier. It will increase hi signals with same coefficient as low signal and it will be to noisy. If I am not wrong in first circuit exist the modul for logaritmic amplifing (in red quad). It amplifing low signals more then hi signals and in output all signals will be approximate of same intesity (("constant volume) 4 ruden). This cind of amlifier is frequently used in radar curcit so dot in catode its same intensity for objects far of radar antenna as for clouse ojects.
  7. Thank U Audioguru... Thank's Alun too, but I have allredy red the artical in HowStuffWorks, but I didn't faund all what I am looking for. Now, when I know how is modulated video signal, can someone tell me how video signal look's in function of time, V=f(t)? For adequate anology U can use audio signal. - Audio signal is like alterning nonharmonic voltage. Is video signal have same shape??? What is a frequency range of visible video signal, but not in microwave form (like light), then in transformed (by a camera) voltage form???
  8. 4 audioguru: How is modulated video signal. Can U atach a grafics if U have some.
  9. Hi to all.. Mark, can U atach a jpg. block diagram of your project in the next reply. I am confused about your ambition... And interest too.
  10. Hi Ante I am about to projecting a house power lines installation. I don't know what is a english word for it. Every building has project of switching, phone lines, power lines, ilumination... I need a software which I can use for it.
  11. Nothing to reed. Just checking...
  12. Does any bodey can sugest any software for home installation projecting. Please post it...
  13. Make it if U so wont to work with osciloscope... I worrant 4 this attenuator. Of course this scheme isn't complite... Power soply is missing... But it's a few click on simulator software :) . If U are working with a lower signal make a feedback band on op.amp.....
  14. Hi 4 everyone. Why u dont try to make it by your selfe. See attach for example. I think that will do a job. In worst case u can damige a diode. But thay are cheap ;). Sound card is practicaly isolated from source because input resistance of op.amp. is, theoreticaly, infinite. Only defect is low speed of response and, of course, low frequency band. I think that is 44khz for n-vidia sound cards, but I, also, think that will not work over, lets say, 30khz. I am going to project a very good interface for it with big frequency bandwidth and lots more... :) I will send it here when/if I do that. atenuator_4_digital_osciloscope.zip
  15. http://computer-power-supply.globalspec.com/Industrial-Directory/atx_power_supply_schematic_diagram Probaj ovaj sajt Vedrane. Cisto za svaki slucaj reci cu ovo i na engleskom... Try to find something on this web site. U alredy hev +5, -5, +12, -12 on power supply. Its esay to regulate voltage if not need hi current. U can get that by puting a primitiv pot. If you need hier current, u have to incorporate little compicated unit...
  16. Hi 2 everybodey. I am fresh user of this forum. I have a problem and I'll be glad for any help. How can I down load spice library for "PROTEUS 6 with ISIS & ARES". Rather, I need "NATDAC" library in "ISIS". Thanks alot..
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