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Everything posted by steven

  1. the circiut seems to be doing ok now and its working now, its sensitive to the spark from my pizeo electric ignitor in my cigerrette lighter at close rang but responds to a flourescent light globe from even thurther away but not an ellement globe with the tungston element in it , and it seems to be selective in what it can sense so im going to do some more tests to find out what it can really do as for the electric spark ignitor on the stove here it wont sense it unlless its a cigerrette lighter spark pizeo elctric type which is strange and even touching the ereal on it by tapping it with my finger makes the led blink to more tests to go yet . im looking forward to seeing what else it can really do now .
  2. :)this ghost detector circiut is one our of 2 i found on the net now they say its sensitive but but it dosent respond any more sensitive as my not so sensitive lightening bolt detector circiut dose and thats when i test it out useing my cigerette lighter spark , can someone make this thing much more sensitive or upgrade the circiut so its at it maximiun sensitivity. all the ceramics are 10nf and the ic is a lm324 type
  3. :) sonicnauseagenerator.pdf
  4. :) here for all to biuld the em jumping ring EM_JUMPING_RING.pdf
  5. :) pocketpainfieldgenerator.pdf
  6. :) heres another one i cannot upload multiple files they are 2 big so i have to do them one at a time phaser_pain_feild_generator.pdf
  7. :) im havein g trouble uploading these as i get an error thing saying its to big to upload multiple files so i tried just 2 at a time and it says ive allready uploaded it so i looked for it and its not in here so ill try again painfieldgenerator.pdf
  8. :)here is another one 21794053-Electromagnetic-Pulse-Emp-Gun.pdf
  9. :) iused to chat in the electronics lab chat room but now i cant seem to find it where is it now
  10. :) inside ya pc mouse if the moue is the ball type theres a wheel inside it to with i think some kind op optical interuptor in it to when the mouse is moved the ball rotates and the wheel inside it turns and inturupts the led light from one side going to the other side something like that i think.
  11. :) ive seen this the gibs setup for his resonater thing he uses his own body as part of the circiut like putting his finger of hand on this plate thing or other it looks more like an electronic mind stimiulater and you notice he hasent vanished into time yet otherwise he wont be seen on youtube even though i havent seen his videos yet ive read about him agers ago
  12. well seem that they call it a joule thief battery charger i decided to put it to the test and it sure dose charge up button cells now we know that if you over charge them to much to the piont they get to hot they may explode but i timed it so it dont get that far and it works for tiny button cells a just a few seconds say 2 to 3 thats all and i have the pot set so its output is at its lowest for that circiut even though the measurements say its still high a few seconds is all it takes but other button cells if they have anything wrong inside id say maybe it fixing it so i wait till they start to get warm and then i stop and then i check the flatt button cell on a smaller joule thief and find its like its been not just recharged but maybe rejuvenated to. my watch battery is still working in my watch since ive recharged it and i have the date and time i recharged it so when it finally gets flatt again ill know how good it is then as i expect this battery to have a longer life or maybe last longer .
  13. :) straight from a youtube video i got the circiuts to biuld it here it is i redrew it simplified so i can biuld it easyer to , the guy who made this says he has blown over ten multimeters to when taking measuremenets of this circiut but ive had no problems yet, well i did cook a tranny but i biult this from the schematics before i realized about needing the heatsink but its ok it dosent hardly get hot
  14. i took some pictures with my handy cam but since then i reused my other digital camera which i used before to upload high quality pictures here so heres another one and it works ive even recharged over half a dozen button cells to and saved over $19 haveing to buy a new battery for my watch to , and ive even charged a 2200uf electrolytic capacitor 50 volts over charged to 71 volts to but i just have to get the timeing right to , hope this works again after all this time , note the 12 volts globe at front is modified to house my neon globe, and it took a fast 3 seconds to recharge my tiny watch battery to .
  15. thankyou hero 999 long time no hear dident realize the error in the emp circiut , anything i allso saw on youtube ill have to try find them again if im lucky and post the link
  16. long time no hear audio guru my joule thief pics and circiuts i collected wont upload they are not in the right formatt to so i dont know how to get them up
  17. :)have just poped in after a long absensce i dont know if anyones posted it but as intresting as they are and very handy is the joule thief circiut i have biult from schematics on youtube and been experimenting with them so ill share what circiuts ive collected
  18. :)im suprized to see some of my old postings to the high voltage stuff section agers ago that was gone one day is now back , and i thought hackers deletd it or maybe it was a bot of a cleanup so to save space some was removed , but it was great to see them again .
  19. :) 21794053-Electromagnetic-Pulse-Emp-Gun.pdf
  20. high voltage resister devider 100 time ten m resistors in sieries and hv goes in one end and you measure the output voltage across your meter set to 600 volts if it reads say 113 its 11300 volts dc
  21. its on u tube the emp pulse device and it shows the car being neutralized by it and a radio controlled plane to the
  22. :)cant get them all into this picture but here they are
  23. i have 7 amp and hopur 12 volts and 7.2 amp an hour 12 volts and just got a 9 amp an hour 12 volts seald lead acid cell battery , ive allways had trouble working out the details of what current they really was as there was some details on the sides i wasent sure of
  24. ive missread the details on my 12 volts sealed lead acid cell batterys they are 7.0 amps at 12 volts not 2.1 amps , today i got a higher current battery 9.0 amps and are testing it on my hho circiuts
  25. i have 3 digital multimeters , im planing to upgrade my batteries to a higher current rateing one for my tests my flyback driver circiut i used to get hho gas can allso be powerd off a car battery but i havent got to that yet
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