MP, With a stepper linked to the throttle the carburettor return-spring will shut the barrels in case of a power-loss or on emergency stop. And I can see even more advantages with the stepper! It will reduce component count and size. Brilliant, why didn
Capricious, Well, Ohm:s law apply on every component in a circuit. The voltage drop over the 2N3055 * current (Ampere) is the power loss. If you like you could say that you burn off the difference. The lower the output voltage is the higher the loss (at the same current). If you have say 34Volts to the 2N3055 and 5Volts output at 2.5A the heat produced is 72.5W (That
Capricious, The 13.8V psu have less voltage difference between the rectifier and the output than this variable one. To calculate the power burning off to heat (rectifier Voltage
vainajala, Yes you have to arrange the supply and the TTL level for the input to use these drivers. The IRF9540N is a P-channel and it will work whit the MAX627. There are other MOSFET drivers out there just search for
Fatoota, But the last one I don't know, how does it look, what kind of capsule is it? Ante ::)
Vainajala, To get a better efficiency try to use a MOSFET driver as I suggested earlier the MAX 626/627 or similar. This circuit will assure that the MOSFET:s switches on and of properly. Ante ::)
audioguru, I still think the Darlington is the better choice. We are talking about pulses that are of different length (PWM) and between the pulses the transistor