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I am new in this forum. I 've just finish the university and i start to work with electronics practical. I see many difference from theory and the practice now. And now in my subject. I want to make one cable to connect my hard disk to any usb drive. I have find many in the shops but i want to construct one. I ask for your help. If somebody know something please send me e-mail or answer in this article. Thanks you very much.


I made a little research about USB to IDE project and what I found follows.

Many semiconductor companies have chips that do the conversion between IDE and USB and simplify the way you can connect an IDE device on USB, but you will need to draw your own schematic according to the datasheet and the application guides of each company. Here is a list of chips that do the work for you:


  • 1 year later...

But the main problem is that it won't work on WIndows 2003. I have been searching for this driver.

IF u search the internet u can find drivers from 98 till XP but this driver won't work on windows 2003.

Please advise

  • 5 years later...

Awhile ago the forum crashed and all posts were wiped including this thread.

Recently the webmaster managed to restore most of the posts from the backup, unfortunately it appears that the attachments linked above have not been restored.

  • 1 year later...

Dear Hero999
Electonics link posted by you when accessed gives error
You don't have permission to access /forum/attachments/USB2IDE.zip on this server.


Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at www.electronics-lab.com Port 80

Plz post all files and schematics once againn on this site.
I shlal be very thankfulto you for that.

If you find time kidly mail IDE to USB converter project to my mail Email removed by moderator, please use the forum for responding to help requests.


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