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I want to design abig single side board with DXP but I have got bored with changing the place of component, how can i put the components in the best status, so the less jumper wll be used,

what is the easiest way to put the jumpers....

Thanks in advance


It depends how complex your PCB is and the components you are choosing (through hole or SMT).....

For my experience, try to put connected components closed together and try to route tracks through gaps of components (except IC pins)....

But don't expect the auto-route function can give you much help, it always give you trouble


Rules posted by trigger help a lot indeed but it's the practice that makes man perfect. so keep changing the layout and take brakes wen you get bored. :)
Don't be afred of freqquent changing the layout more time you put into this now less time you will have to spend later


Dear Trigger and Suraj

You are right by changing the place of components we can rout the Board butcan you tell me that How designers of TV sets design the PCB in case there are more than 2000 components on a TV Chasis, Do they use special Softwares. If i have to place the Components manually, so what is the autoplacer good for?

Thanx in advance...


Dear Trigger and Suraj

You are right by changing the place of components we can rout the Board butcan you tell me that How designers of TV sets design the PCB in case there are more than 2000 components on a TV Chasis, Do they use special Softwares. If i have to place the Components manually, so what is the autoplacer good for?

Thanx in advance...


There is no easy way to place components, it really depends upon experience and some restrictions towards mechanical and/or electrical issues.

I will use alignment tools in the CAD to make the components placement looks more tidy......... that is what I do...

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