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They were flogging these off cheap at Dick Smith ;D. So if Dick Smith decided they were outdated, they must be ancient. As always, I search long and hard for this datasheet and no go.

Philips (OM1681C) signal IC car alarm subsystem.

Thank you :).


:)dazza ive had problems with the lack of parts at dicksmiths, i go there and many parts draws were empty, and there exscuse was there discontiniueing may parts, the second exscuse was there replaceing them with up to date parts, and that hasent happened yet, and acording to the guys at dicksmiths the public has been complaining because every time they come in for parts they havent got any in , even the 1k at 1/4 watt resister is gone and there still selling the blue colour one, so it looks like dicksmiths will end up like tandy electronics , a boaring electrical good seller and not an inspireing electronics parts seller


Well if I can't find a datasheet for them, I shall have to exchange them for a couple of resistors. These things cost me eleven cents each, and I bought 2 off them :o, that was all my pocket money. :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Hi Steven,
a miracle just happened, Dick Smith has released their new catalogue :o, I got a copy with silicon chip magazine. Their electronic component selection is a sad sight, I don't know if it is a mistake but there is no listing for voltage regulators. I hope Jaycar comes to town soon.


:)dazza dose the new dicksmiths catalouge have any up to date parts in it, as that was one of there exscuses for discontiniueing most of there parts, they reckon they were phaseing them out for up to date parts

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