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Getting a high pitch with my device to record phone conversation.


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Hi LegendBreath,
Turn off the TV next time you record. I hear lotsa stuff going-on on your recording.
I can identify the sounds from most things, but I wonder where the flute playing comes from.

Audio equipment needs shielded audio cables to avoid interference like you have, and the transformer might also need a shield.
Instead of running the wires from a wall to the phone, try connecting the capacitors to the red and green wires in the phone's jack. A phone line is about 52VDC when not in use so use capacitors rated for at least 63V. ;D


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Hi LegendBreath,
Turn off the TV next time you record. I hear lotsa stuff going-on on your recording.
I can identify the sounds from most things, but I wonder where the flute playing comes from.

Audio equipment needs shielded audio cables to avoid interference like you have, and the transformer might also need a shield.
Instead of running the wires from a wall to the phone, try connecting the capacitors to the red and green wires in the phone's jack. A phone line is about 52VDC when not in use so use capacitors rated for at least 63V. ;D

Lol the TV and flute... probably from the girl I was speaking with :P
I'll try alone to see what it does...

And what the... me, swearing in background???

Thanks alot :D
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