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How did u get started in electronics?

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How did u get started in electronics?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. How did u get started in electronics?

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during the college entrance exam, i passed an engineering course, Geothermal engineering. then, there is this scholarship that doesn't cover the GeoEng.. electronics was my first choice from the list of courses covered by the scholarship. when i was a little kid, i used to tinker with my toys and that quite got me hooked up with electronics from there...

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I was taught the basics by my father, When I was young  (8 or 9) he had a Ham Radio rig. I started with Tubes and my first active device project was a triode AM radio.  It was basicly a crystal radio with a triode acting as a amplifer to drive a speaker. As I remember, it was not all that loud but it glowed and made noise, how much more could a kid ask for?


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My interest sparked in 5th grade when out teacher was teaching physics.  Basically two batteries a light and a switch what what we worked with in class, then we had a project where we had to build a flashlight out of a toilet paper roll.  Really cool project for a 5th grader. From there I hooked an it's been a minor hobby of mine ever since.  I would have liked to minor in it, but it's not offered at my school.  Luckily my major (welding engineering @ OSU) has a strong electronics part. 

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Radio shack/Tandy solar power kit(with the wire spring thingies)... didn't have much mentoring and I was too mentally lazy/retarded to really go in depth so I didn't do much since then until.... I discovered COFFEE!!!!!!  Went to school, and here I am unemployed in a field that pays F*** ALL! ;D ;D

Man did I have to fight EI this time!!!  Stupid sociopathic bureaucrats enforcing slanted legislation...grrr grumblegrumble...

;D ;D ;D 

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  I started in electronics amost 30 years ago but had to switch to something I could make money at. I can Paint, Weld , Do auto body work, Done construction work, Sold tires ha, Can drive a semi and drove cross country for awhile. But I am getting old so I took a maintenance job at an amusement center. This the best job I have every had. I get to use all my skills. And this is what got me back into electronics, we have a haunted house a good one. I get to set up the rooms and work with the props. Some use microlcontrollers, that got me into using pic's. and that got me back into electronics. Whats nice is now I have time to do what I want, always had the what if problem.
                                            Have fun

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