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I am looking to have built a device that can, via a directional antenna, transmit a certain frequency to a specific spot.

I wish to be able to adjust the fequency (between 0 and 1000 Hz) and power it via an 8hp generator.

Is there anyone who can help me with the parts required/instructions on how to build it?

Thanks in advance

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You haven't provided enough information.

Why do you want to do this?

You need to be aware that you can't directly transmit 0Hz through the air and transmitting frequencies below 100kHz or so is difficult. You can however transmit a much higher frequency i.e. 27MHz and superimpose the lower frequency signal on it; this is known as modulation and is used for TV and radio broadcasts.

You should also know that it's not possible to efficiently transmit power from one place to another using RF so forget about transmitting the 8HP from your generator to a remote location via RF.

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Thank you Hero, but I am not trying to transfer power as such. I merely made reference to the 8hp generator as that was the power source, nothing else.

The lower frequency is used for the purpose of inducing rapid vibrations amongst the molecules of various elements. Since I want to do it from a distance, using a directional antenna with a mobile power source (generator) was the method I felt best suited for the task.

I want to be able to induce vibrations in the molecules with resonant frequencies rather than by the "brute force" of heat or other process.

Could you explain a bit more about super imposing the frequency on the 27 MHz? wont the two frequencies be "mixed up" and the effect of the frequency I want to use be diluted?

Thank you again.

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It won't work because to radiate a significant amount of power the antenna needs to be a significant length compared to the wavelength you want to transmit with 1/4 of a wavelength being optimal.

The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave can be calculated using the following formula:
l = c/f

l = wavelength
c = speed of light in a vacuum = 299.8*106m/s which is nearly 300,000km per second.
f = frequency in your case the maximum frequency is 1000Hz.

l = 299.8*103/1000 = 299.8*103m = 299.8km

So the ideal 1/4 antenna lengh is 299.8km/4 = 74.95km long - too big for your back garden even if you sacrificed efficiency and cut the length to 1/16 of a wavelength.

At 10 Hz the ideal antenna length will be ten times that and at 0Hz you'll get a divide by zero error which indicates it's impossible to build an infinitely large antenna capable of transmitting DC power through empty space.

I suggest you look into RF therory a bit more.

What molecules are you hoping to vibrate at such low frequencies? You need much higher frequencies for that, in the order of 100THz and no molecular resonances occur below the micowave band.

Is suggest you do more research into chemistry and molecular physics.

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Calm down Mr Hero.
I am just thinking outside of the box with a different idea.

sonic generator







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