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Everything posted by steven

  1. :)driver circuit for an n channel mosfet, well look at the high voltage flyback transformer driver circuits in the high voltage stuff section in electronics lab here they are n channel mosfet drivers, even for the high voltage p[hoto flash capacitor chargers one uses the n channel mosfet driver to
  2. :)go to the high voltage stuff section here in electronics lab plenty good ideas there, you may find some great ideas in the topic generators, youll like the high voltage output hand powerd generator its simple to make to
  3. :)just grab any car ignition coil and use, it and even flyback transformers without the biult in high voltage trippler , will do as for inductors which type are you refering to , i made a circuit i found on net, it uses inducter and it was suposed to make high voltage but it dident work , and the circuit had a lousy 10uh inducter, i think it was uselless
  4. like a herf gun dose, high energy radio frasnquency transmission , it effects electronics , the herf gun well it uses a microwave oven magnetron and this rf energy even effects transisiters to etc etc
  5. :)oh it would of been nice to see a close up of it , they have some strange ignition coils out , ive seen one with more than one hv output and it was rectangle shaped, and the one i used in one of my high voltage photo flash cap chargers as posted in the topic in the high voltage stuff section , it has a shape i cannot describe
  6. ;)use the transformer in reverse if useing the timer circuit for higher ac voltage output , if useing a voltage multiplier for high output dc dont ever use the 10uf electros with the 1n4148 diodes for it , you can use the 1n4007 types and bigger value electros just follow my high voltage photo flash caps topic it chargers non photo flash caps to , it uses a timer circuit to but it uses a mosfet in one version and a 2n3055 transister in another version so if you want to use a transformer instead of ignition coil and flyback transformer, you can use the mosfet version cap charger that allso drives a transformer in reverse mode and use the same circuitry as i did at the section near output of the igntition coil version hv cap charger as i did for the ignition coil version hv cap charger and with a bit of tweeking you may be able to get a cap charger useing the transformer
  7. :)yess go forth and lern well wise one
  8. :)your welcome, anytime you need some tesing gear theres more in the forums
  9. :)proud to be a member of what i beleave will be the hotest site on the information super highway, electronics lab
  10. :)radio interfearence well it can be cuased my many things like a niosey electric moter and lightening bolts to , even that cant be policed if illeagle so what could they do well maybe man made interfearence, but then if that was the case theyed have to shut down any niosey factories with electricals that can cause this interferaring rf nioses if they aint suppressed so then what next
  11. yea well big brother is good at that evese dropping and the goverments of the world
  12. :)gee i envey you audio guru your knowledge and great diagnostics skills oh if only we can all be like that
  13. :)as far as i know the legs are the same for all n channels mosfets
  14. :)i have the inductor calculator to and it will tell you all you need to know
  15. :)lay the mosfet on the table in front of you now starting with the left leg is the gate the middle is the drain the right is the source leg
  16. :)its worth a look into ill have to get a spare alternator from a car and look at its internal regulator
  17. :)the hand held tv disruptor handy where is it if ya posted it before can you give us the link to it
  18. :)look at the talking electronic site on the net you will see all kinds of bug transmitters there you may find some good ideas there
  19. :)same here kevin well i collect circuits and i biuld them and make changes to modify them and then if i post them audou guru dose the diagnostics and tells me whats wrong and whats right and what dosent have to be in it , i dont have a scope but i think they use them to allso measure the different waves of the voltages like square waves and sine waves etc etc i think some circuits like the parasite zappers , need to put out square waves
  20. :)it may pay to look at the capacitor conversion charts i posted in the forums somewhere before they are still there, ive mever seen it like the way you have it mju uf yes and mf yes but mju the j looks more like the tollerence 5 or 1o% i think if i remember corectly
  21. :) ive got some of these high watt wire wound resistors and one looks the same as the first picture and has a thin screw runing through the center to hold the white end caps on
  22. :)yes look in the high voltage stuff section at my simple n channel mosfet tester it will test them all . and if you want to test the p channel mosfet you just have to change the circuit around , the n channel mosfet testor only has 5 parts i think if i remember corectly
  23. :)i think one of those simple to biuld peaking circuits would be handy for tuneing it for peak performance . look at the talking electronics site they use the peaking circuit for some of the fm transmitter bugs
  24. :)bread board it, test it, then design it and biuld it , ive been doing that to find a circuit redraw it into an easy to biuld thing then make it onto bread board then make any changes to it and post it and exsperts like audio guru will tell you whats wrong and what needs to be changed then you can make the changers to the circuit you biult on the bread board , then you can work on the printed circuit version , you can do it easy or the harder version but if you look at my printed circuit board versions you will see the easy way , as for the corect hole spaceings for intergrated circuits and resistors etc ive found an easy way to that to
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