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Everything posted by ante

  1. From what I have seen they use pulse transformers to trig from a lower voltage to achieve simultaneous response.
  2. If the inverter is dead, check the SMD fuse on the inverter board.
  3. Did you find any fluid leaks during the cleaning of the tubes? Are you sure you got it back together the correct way after cleaning?
  4. Omni, you look kind of young and unfocused (on your avatar) to be a tube mechanic! ;D
  5. If someone else does your homework you will never learn the stuff yourself! Does this make any sense to you?
  6. Thanks Walid! I miss May and June of 2007, you don
  7. Hi Jeff, One of these should do it: http://www1.uk.conrad.com/scripts/wgate/zcop_uk/~flNlc3Npb249UDkwX0NPUF9VSzpDX0FHQVRFMDU6MDAwMC4wMTI2LjlhYjI3ODYzJn5odHRwX2NvbnRlbnRfY2hhcnNldD1pc28tODg1OS0xJn5TdGF0ZT0xMjYxMjE4Nzk3====?~template=PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE&mfhelp=&p_selected_area=%24ROOT&p_selected_area_fh=&perform_special_action=&glb_user_js=Y&shop=UK&vgl_artikel_in_index=&product_show_id=&p_page_to_display=DirektSearch&~cookies=1&zhmmh_lfo=&zhmmh_area_kz=&s_haupt_kategorie=&p_searchstring=&p_searchstring_artnr=187151&p_search_category=alle&r3_matn=&insert_kz=&area_s_url=&brand=&amount=&new_item_quantity=&area_url=&direkt_aufriss_area=&p_countdown=&p_80=&p_80_category=&p_80_article=&p_next_template_after_login=&mindestbestellwert=&login=&password=&bpemail=&bpid=&url=&show_wk=&use_search=1&p_back_template=&template=&kat_save=&updatestr=&vgl_artikel_in_vgl=&titel=&darsteller=&regisseur=&anbieter=&genre=&fsk=&jahr=&jahr2=&dvd_error=X&dvd_empty_error=X&dvd_year_error=&call_dvd=&kna_news=&p_status_scenario=&documentselector=&aktiv=&p_load_area=$ROOT&p_artikelbilder_mode=&p_sortopt=&page=&p_catalog_max_results=10
  8. Sorry, that looks like a custom made IC!
  9. I would go for a Li-Po since they are light weight and small for a handheld device like this. Perhaps it is a good idea to use a replacement battery for a cell phone, they are nice and compact. The one I have got in my cell is 6 x 39 x 65 mm 3.6Volts and 1200mAh 26g as an example. ;)
  10. Not enough info, what is it? What voltage? What is the expected use and run time? How much current does it require, is it constant or erratic? Used inside or outside, in winter?
  11. There is a perfectly logical explanation for this: Volvo is since a few yers completely owned by Ford! ;D BTW, for the topic; Bob Blick has something to add about oxygen sensors here: http://www.bobblick.com/techref/projects/o2sensor/o2sensor.html
  12. Stinky and noisy diesels?... Must be a long time since you seen or heard a diesel car, just about when that Rabbit of yours was new! :D
  13. ante


    Try this: http://www.sweetscape.com/hamic/
  14. I recommend this: http://www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/gadgets/555/555.html
  15. The TLC272 should not be a problem here.
  16. If you take out the regulator there will be other problems since the voltage over the transistor will be much higher (more heat)! Can you measure the voltage over the LED/resistor while fully lit? It would be very helpful to know some data for your LED
  17. It would be interesting also to know what kind of power source you
  18. I thought maybe you had already decided on a specific type of relay suitable for audio. I am not sure if there are some special requirements for such relays?
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