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Ante, it sounds as though you could use this device more than me at the moment. What model vehicle do you drive ante, I can keep this in mind as I developed this system. There are similar emissions control in other states here in Australia, but not in Queensland yet. There seems to be Swedes coming out of the woodwork everywhere at the moment :D, I have a Swedish neighbour who moved in about 12 months ago, and he is big on distilling spirits and making homebrew. He often comes and asks me to try his latest creation, that often leads to a lengthy visit and a very difficult walk home ;D. My partner is not very impressed with my new Swedish friend with his endless supply of alcohol >:(. He is retired now and used to be a technician in the Navy for the radars, and lived a very colourful life after that. He had been trying to get in contact with some old Swedish friends for quite some time, that he hadn't seen for I think he said 10 years I was a bit legless at the time :P. He discovered that they lived here in Bundaberg not too far, within walking distance, it's a small world. He has also had some of his relatives come over from Sweden recently which I also had the pleasure to meet.

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Being a Swede I drive the only Swedish car left since Volvo became Ford, and even this (Saab) is now 50% not Swedish (GM). It runs fairly cheap 100km/8L but water is cheaper. Is it legal to make your own booze in Queensland? I live close to Germany and Denmark so I don


Beer has been legal to brew for as long as I can remember. Distilling spirits is only illegal if you get caught ;D. You can buy a still from your local homebrew shop legally, but the pot must be less than five leaders and you don't refer to it as a still for spirits, it's for extracting essential oils. I haven't heard of anyone getting in trouble for having a still, although if you got carried away and build something to big that could be a different story. A Saab is one of the few vehicles I haven't worked on. It's hard to know what vehicle belongs to what company these days. 100 km/8L is pretty good. I don't think it will be very long, that even the vehicles with the best mileage, will be too expensive to run and I think you'll start finding a lot of, backyard do-it-yourself water conversions.


Ante, I should explain the steps or stages,that I would like to go through to discover and improve on, all of the unknowns in this system. Budget is a factor until I at least yield positive results, and still the budget is very tight. I would first need a good PWM that I can rely on for my experiments, and I would have to understand its limitations and use it accordingly, it wouldn't have to be high-powered initially. When you suggested a PWM, the first thing that I noticed is I could add MOSFETs as I needed more power. I don't really know how much power I'm going to need until I construct a basic small-scale working model. I don't think I would need any more than 60A for experimenting with, the reason why I chose 60A as a starting point, these alternator are very common and I could use a mains powered electric motor, to drive the alternator. The reason why I varied from my original design is that it will allow me to separate the oxygen and hydrogen. This will make it much easier to experiment with, and discover the catalyst that I will need to increase the conductivity of the water, and in effect the power needed. Then with the hydrogen and oxygen exiting the reactor separately, I could then simply use a balloon to capture the hydrogen, I could then workout the volume of hydrogen being produced, the power required to produce that volume, the time it took to produce that volume of hydrogen. The catalyst is going to be the tricky one,I will have to discover what the electrolysis process is going to do to the catalyst, how fast it breaks down, what the byproduct of this will be, how often more catalyst will need to be added, how much buildup on the electrodes will be, and how fast this will happen. I will need a circulating filtering system. I will need a heat exchange system to maintain the temperature of the water. one of the reasons for this is to help prevent water vapour exiting with the hydrogen, and there I will need a condenser to prevent water vapour going any further. Now I am hoping to set up a backflushing system, this is where the H-Bridge will come in, to reverse the voltage and released the buildup on the electrodes, so it can be back flushed and then filtered. And of course the second unit, will take over while this is happening. This backflushing system has its problems, for the fact that hydrogen and oxygen is being produced on the opposite electrodes, and this is why I'm not completely abandoning my first design, it won't have these problems with the backflushing. Well I think I better stop with the info, for this post ;D.


Well I have a lot to say ;D.

yes I think my post are getting progressively bigger.

Maybe if I had broken them down into multiple post, I could have been upgraded from Newbie >:(.


Ante, the catalyst is going to take some time to discover, I think there is going to be a lot of experimenting with my prototype to discover it. The stirling engine, would be ideal to use with my hydrogen power engine, to drive the alternator. I think space is going to start to become a real problem. Maybe jumping up and down on the bonnet might get it in their ;D. I think producing the hydrogen, and burning it to produce that heat for the Stirling engine, would be ideal for a generator to power your home, for the reason it could be kept quiet. But that's a whole other project. I did think of something that use the Stirling engine principle, to use with a solar cell alternative idea I had. It would cover a much larger area then a solar cell, but much much cheaper, and of course this is another project for another time. Yes I am going to have to be careful with the oxygen being produced, oxygen in its purest form is also combustible. I would have to be careful how I release the oxygen, as it can ignite when entering the atmosphere with the impurity in the air. More likely it will go into the combustion chamber, I will have to be very careful with the air ,oxygen and hydrogen mixture. A combustion engine that is designed to run on normal petrol is designed just for that petrol. Hydrogen ignites and Burns differently, so modifications to the engine will have to be considered


(1) flange where rubber seal is needed.
(2) lock nut to secure component 5.
(3) electrodes for the hydrogen .
(4) electrodes for the oxygen.
(5) flange where rubber seal is needed, component made of nonconductive material.
(6) nonconductive cylinder used to keep separate oxygen and hydrogen screws into component 5.
(7) this is where component 4 is welded to component 8.
(8) reactor water chamber, there is more to it then is shown.
(9) nut and lock nut to secure, positive terminal and electrode.
(10) fitting for high-pressure hose outlet for hydrogen.
(11) adjustment for pressure on the one-way valve.
(12) one-way valve.
(13) positive terminal.
(14) T piece, this assembly will be orientated differently and constructed slightly different than shown.
(15) condenser.

Now this is very badly drawn and not complete. this is the basic idea of what I will be using for my experiments. If anyone was to construct this as it is shown here, and apply power to it, it is likely to explode. And course serious damage and injury or worse.%7Boption%7D



It looks like you need a lot of spare time for this my friend. I feel there is a wide area you have to explore to even start optimising the different components of such a system. Hang in there and don


The time it takes doesn't matter, a successful outcome does. I'm beginning to wonder if I have taken on this project too soon. Considering my very limited knowledge in electronics :-\. Ante, do you think the electronics side of this project, is the sort of thing a beginner should be taking on ???. I feel that I'm slowly understanding how these circuits work, like the(PWM) but when it comes to trying to find alternative components, it becomes confusing in trying to understand what it all means. I have datasheets coming out of my ears :o. I have to wonder, how much input am I going to be able to give to this circuit (your PWM circuit ante) or am I really just relying on others to do it for me.


Ante,is this the kind of IC we're looking for :-\. I feel like I have looked at a million datasheets. They're sure is a lot of them. hopefully I'm learning something by going through them all. I sure do, get a shock at the price of some of them :o%7Boption%7D.



That's a very fast opamp with a high input impedance. It will have no problem with a single supply.
You could use a 10V low-dropout regulator to power it and its oscillator and complimentary emitter-followers that drive the Mosfets' gates.
But the very limited spec sheet doesn't show how much the output swings in your application for driving emitter-followers, it spec's only a 100 ohms load. Your Mosfet gates will probably be driven to about 1.5V and 8V, which is good enough.


Ante, I am pleased to say that I can get all of Farnell components ;D ;D ;D. Actually to say pleased is an understatement. They sent me their catalogue, and their catalogue on CD. their catalogue is in three parts well over 2000 pages combined. There CD is set up for business use, and everything in the CD and catalogues refers to me as a business customer, and there is nothing referring to me as a electronic hobbyists or any think along those lines. I'm beginning to wonder if I have done the wrong thing ???. I was expecting that thay would want me to pay for the catalogues, considering I did not have a business, which is fair enough :). Well I guess all I can do now is,be happy that I can order in the components that I need. I was having a hard time logging onto Farnell sites and was constantly getting errors when navigating their site for suitable component, so I gave up and looked elsewhere. That was when I found the component I posted, unfortunately Farnell doesn't have a listing for it. I'm sure it would be very unlikely, that they wouldn't have other suitable components for this project. I didn't really expect the (TSH31) would be ideal, although it would have been good, I was just hoping that I was on the right track. More than likely I have downloaded a datasheet, for a component that is perfect, and don't realise it :-\. Well I am patient, and I'm slowly learning, so I shouldn't really expect more than that ;D.

Thanks ante, audioguru.


How about this IC. I can get it, and it is very reasonably priced. And if it is suitable, I'm keen to get the soldiering iron fired up, and happy to stop looking at datasheets.

Businessman ante, can you start a business by ordering in four components ;D. Maybe the oil companies have heard of my invention to, and want to buy the patents, I will start the bidding at $1 million, do I here $2 million 8)%7Boption%7D.



Ante, it has been very difficult to try to find, a IC that is reasonably priced and has the features we need. I have been very reluctant to choose one of the more expensive ICs, because of my inexperience, and I have to design the PCB. I haven't used surface mount chips before, and the mistakes that I am likely to make could become very costly. It seems the lower cost chips with the features we need, require low voltage supply. Wouldn't it be possible to just add a voltage regulator, or a zener diode and a resistor, to drop the voltage down for the IC. Or if we replaced the existing 9V regulator to an adjustable one, to give us 8V or a little less, the 555 IC will function find on this voltage, but I would expect this will upset the values of the rest of the components. I also found a fairly high-powered MOSFETs, that is very inexpensive that am hoping I can use ;D, I have attached the datasheet for it ???.



Ante, I have a couple of questions about modifying this circuit. Can I simply replace the CA3140M with AD8061, in respect to the correct pin out, or is there more I need to consider. What is L1 for. And D3 16V these are zener diodes?

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