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hydroxy gas power supply/separating oxygen and hydrogen from water


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:)im back and here is a modified foam wire cutter circuit  combined with a water gas circiut, etc for the separation of hydrogen and oxygen from water . now the brown colourd green caps are rated at 10uf each and at 100 volts , and as i started to increase the green caps, a few at a time, i was getting more bubbleing reaction from the stainlless steell bolts, that i used as electrodes, in the last information i read and downloaded last time off the net there was some mention of putting a capacitor across the electrodes so i put 2x 2700uf  at 40 volts each, in parralell across the outputs to the stainlless steell bolt electrodes , i use the dial controll to controll the ac of the modified foam cutter circuit which has a 4.7 ohms 100 watts gold colourd metal finned resister sitting on a heatsink, and the scr i changed to a higher voltage rateing and  current rateing and allso i put a 50 watts 1 ohms metal finned resister in parralell with the big 4.7 ohms . and it all works ok in makeing hydrogen and oxygen,  low pressure  gas which i can make higher pressure by designing a hand pressure pumping station which is under construction , and is simple and only needs a few parts. oh the ac from the foam cutter goes to the bridge rectifier circuit/ water gas circuit so i get dc


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:)heres the home made hydrogen and oxygen plant nearly finished and the caps with the stainlless steell bolts, electrodes through them can be screwed off , they are water tight and are , virtually plastic drink bottle tops and allso the neck of the drink bottles to.  . in the picture only 2 electrodes will be used , the middlle one and iether left or right and on iether side is a gas holding tank and at the back is the drip or water feeding tank . the orange taps you see are water irigation taps from the local hardware, still a few things to do yet before finished , in the gas holding tanks water is used as a compression piston to force the gas out to a holding vessell . ive been planing to further modify the tanks to use as bubblers to.

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this project is brilliant!!  I never would have thought of using an arrangement like this in the house, supplying you with hydrogen gas to burn. I could use this in my boiler and hob, maybe save some on the gas bills!  :o
do you mind posting the circuit schematics for it, and any other important mechanical schematics that you have made?
I would really appreciate this,


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:)the actual foam cutter circuit i used i posted it into one of the forums here before so the details are there . you only need to change the scr to a higher voltage one that can handle 35 amps and , use a 4.7 ohms 50 watt resistor in place of the 2x 10 ohms resistor then add a 1 ohms 50 watts in parralell with the 4.7 ohms and the increase the green caps by adding more 10 uf green caps and note the increase in buibles and  add 2x 27oouf or over in parralell with the output terminals , look in the forums electronic foam cutter or whatever ive got it named as and you will see it there .

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:)thankyou ante and monoman, for the inspireing coments , ive upgraded the plant since and the tanks are now allso bublers to , all i need is drainage tanks which there isent any room to put them but ill think of something . as for useing a bycical pump etc etc to pressureize the gas well the bycical pumps have changed in design over the years and so it failed my test so ill look for another idea to do the job , the pump, pumps air out even under pressure ok  but it dosent do to well in reverse mode as the air leaks out then, the tanks are made from pcv pipes, the same stuff i make circuit boxes from and i seal the ends with a heated to soften and flattened out peace of pvc, which is cut to fit the ends and the glued in . but before this is done i mark out the windw and useing a mini drill and drill bit i drill out that section then useing some clear plastic cut from a plastic drink bottle like coke or sarsparilla i then hold it over the window hole on the inside , after i spread pumbers contact glue around it to seal it in place  the plastic orange water taps are cheap to buy even for irigation purposes i use them to controll water, and gas flow .

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thanks alot for those schematics!
can you provide me with the information about how to set up the actual chambers, e.g. where the water goes in, where the hydrogen gas comes out, and all the chambers in between, along with the process of each one?

this is alot to ask but maybe you could direct me to this information? (some diagrams would be really helpful too ;D)

I will really be grateful, thanks,
monoman :)

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:) monoman i shall do what i can do to help, if ya read my post before this one  the pvc water pipes you should get from ya local hardware, depending on where ya are and they are easy to cut and heat so that they get soft, enoutgh to flatten out and use to cut round circles out of , to use to seal the ends of the section of pvc pipe ,that you cut out for the tanks , for the windows use the clear plastic cut from a a bottle of coke or other and seal it  on the inside of the window hole, you drill out of the side of the pvc pipe section that you are gona use for a tank , on the outside edge of the window you use a white sealant to seal the edges and varnish it all down over the outside of the pvc pipe tank , then  the rest is easy , ive modified the tanks by adding the plastic coke bottle neck and lid to the top of tanks and run the plastic tubes to them and the final gas output will be next to them when i do that last bit

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:)here is more shots of the actual upgrades, . at the top of the gas and water chambers are plastic drink bottle necks with there screw on tops on. and lets start with the first tank the orange , water/gas flow tap which goes through the screw on top has a tube under it which runs to the inside bottom of the tank  through water which is in the tank ,so this tank is used as a bubler  the tube runing from under the tank can be used for anything but im gona use it as a drain tank and the one on the side well same thing so i have multiple uses for the tanks , the tallest tank is the water feed tank which feeds the water to the hydroxy unit, and it has a tap on top to let in air to displace the water as it gets used  and because im useing 2 out of the 3 sections of the main hydroxy gas generator i have the water input into the same top cap where the hydrogen allso comes out of . the 3rd section not used  is sealed by the tap in the off position at the end of the tube  . by useing the left and middle hydroxy output pipes is like bringing the electrodes closer together for faster reactions , the extra orange plastic taps you see at the top of the gas tanks is the gas collection piont  after the gas rises up through the water from the bottom of the tank  thats why its now a bubbler tank  which allso can stop backfire or flashback but it wont happen  the front bottle caps of the hydroxy generator  with the plastic bottle necks to which they are screwed onto , have a blue plastic like washer inside them  these are very important as they stop water leaks so , the stainlless steell bolts go through them to and are glued or sealed on both side s so the top of the screw on cap and under inside are glued where the bolt goes in and where it comes out, to be direct


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another thing i forgot to mention is that the left hand side of the hydroxy gas generator where 2 tubes go into the top one for water input and the other next to it for hydrogen output, well under the cap where the water input tube goes , that tube is exstended down to the water inside the hydroxy unit  so that it will stop feeding water when the end of the tube is submerged , or if i close the air intake displacement tap at the top of the water tank itself .

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you need to get the actual modified foam cuuting circiut biult and going to get ya gas from the water which is  important  so here is another handy peace you can biuld from very few parts to use, first the modified foam cutter makes small amounts of gas enougth to fill a balloon so it stands up for just a few miniutes so if you let it run longer it may inflate the balloon, if not here is a way you can store each amount of gas into a balloon so it inflates more , ill be working on a simple prssure tank to force it in and allow it out under pressure , in the picture here you will  see on the right a bycical pump hose , this has an inbiult fitting inside the other end that when screwed over the bycical valve , to which i have stripped the rubber off, to show the houseing, inside the houseing is a srew in valve which allows for one way gas floe through the orange tap when in the open position.  the other valve tap is left closed  this is for when you want to thunnell the collected gas from the collection balloon else where. now when you make your gas  which is stored in a separate balloon attached to the hydroxy gas generator remove the balloon and conect it to the bycical pump hose conection use a bit of plastic tube on it to assist in the conection then sqeeze the gas out through the setup so it goes one way into the colection balloon , then make more gas and conect it to the gas input hose, thats the bycical pump hose then sqeeze the balloon with your hand to force the gas through the bycicle tube one way valve so that the gas allso goes into the colection balloon. when your ready to use the gas  just add a conection to the top gas output like a container of water  with the tube runing to the bottom so when you open the tap and sqeeze the gas colection balloon the gas will then flow out the output tube and into the water and it will buble out  for use  so this will stop the gas from igniting and flashing back  to the main gas holding balloon


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thankyou monoman heres the latest, the water tank that supplys water to my hydroxy gas generator, isent big enougth to be able to gravity feed the water to the hydroxy gas generator setup so i used the bycical pump without the hose to pump air into the tank to force the water through, and allso i get reactions at both stainlless steell bolts for the current and voltage from my power supply , but because the electrodes are still to far apart  its to slow in createing enougth gas to go to the tank as the bubler tank when i toped it up with water some of the water started to flow into the tube that the gas is ment to flow through ,and this tube is under water in the bottom of the tank and i need more gas to be able to force it out under pressure  but because of the size of my hydroxy plant i need more power and current that my circuit dosent deliver, to be able to get more gas fast enougth , and i would need to bring my electrodes closer together to be able to do that, without the extra current.  i havent got, that i need so im reviewing the whole design and will make some more changes , .due to the small sizes of the elbow jionts in the hydroxy gas setup i cannot get them any smaller to be able to bring the electrodes closer together so ill have to find an easyer alternative but the single yellow pipe like hydroxy generator is proveing to be good  so ill make another one and test it in sieries with the other and if i get more gas output ill combine it with the bigger one and see how it goes from there , so ive got more tests and modifications to do yet before i have a fully working version

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:)the tube setup useing a bycical tube valve and houseing  when you sqeeze  the hydroxy gas from one balloon through the bycical  pump tube and once the collection balloon is inflated  turn the nearest yellow tap to the off position otherwise the stored gas will flow back out through the bycical pump tube , as long as it is screwed in the inner part where it conects the bycical valve will deppress the valve inside its houseing, thus allowing the gas to reverse so you could iether shut off the reverse valve tap or unscrew the bycical pump tube conection

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:)when you run electrissity and current through the water via 2 stainlless steel bolts your not only getting hydroxy gas, you are allso chargeing that water to,  this i found out by mwasureing the voltage on my digital multimeter set to the low voltage reading and the voltage you read is going down pritty fast as if the charge is leaking away. i feel the same may apply to the gas you get from the charged water to, as when i stored ghydroxy gas into a balloon and tied it up tight and left it over night the balloon went down,  you can confirm any air leaks by tieing it to a hevey object and put it into a bucket of water and see if theres any bubles to confirm any leaks if not and the balloon still goes down , then the hydroxy gas may be charged to and when the charge leaks away the balloon shrinks to . heres the latest , ive made a small prototype hydroxy gas pressure  holder , when i get it completely air  tight ill put my hydroxy gas into it and the top rubber should bulge up if it goes down latter then think of what i said before, we may have to renergize the gas


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:) heres the hydroxy gas exspansion tank , i used thin rubber cut from surgical gloves and on the side of the tank is the orange colourd on/off tap to let the compressed gas out  allso i used the bycical valve with its houseing for it so when i put the gas in and as i put more in the rubber balloon section at the top will stretch and put the gas under some pressure pending on how strong and thick the rubber is then i let it out into a bubler chamber by turning on the orange tap


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:) heres the top section well you can see it its the rubber, and where ive got the bycical pump hose conected i can blow into it through a tap and it will inflate the rubber upwards , its the elasticity of that rubber that will make the gas move easyer, oops ive put the same picture in twice my error, can you delete on of them for me zepplin


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:)if you biuld the hydroxy gas generator power supply then you will need to biuld the rest , once youve made the mini hydroxy gas comppression tank you will need to test it out for leaks so useing a a small breath bloe into the bycical pump hose conected to the intake bycical tube valve and watch for the top rubber to inflate  upwards then unscrew the bycical pump hose so it wont leak out  and watch the rubber if it goes down you have a leak. to find the leak hold it under water and watch for where the bubles come out , then dry it and seal the leak , i had a leak around the top edge of the rubber so i put varnish around it and it worked , next is to store the actual hydroxy gas in it and leave it over night and if it goes down then the gas may be charged and was looseing its charge and that may exsplain why it goes down , it would be the charge was shrinking and the gas was going down because of it ,


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