monoman Posted February 19, 2007 Report Posted February 19, 2007 hi steven, ive started building the main electrolysis chamber out of some plastic piping:) I found a useful fact: adding salt to the water improves its conductivity, and increases the yeild of gas,monoman Quote
steven Posted February 19, 2007 Author Report Posted February 19, 2007 :)monoman ive tried salty water to , it makes implodeing gas well and it sure makes the stainlless steell bolt electrodes corode faster and ya get all this black stuff form in the water , the gas appears to have a charge as it even slightly triggers my charge senser and when the charge dies down so dose the volume of gas , and when ya think its leaking, it aint as i put mine under water to see if i get any air bubles but i dident so the gas is shrinking not leaking out , and it still makes nice big pops when you flow it through a tube into some water with dish washinge liuqiud then lite it up are you trying to make the comppression tank to mine works ok and when the top rubber is inflated out i turn the tap on and it flows out ok due to the rubber pressing down rewmeber the distance apart you have ya electrodes is important and the size of the water containment to less water more heat will be held and it kind of neutralizes the gas as i couldent get it to light when i made gas useing a mini hydroxy gas generator the water got to hot and the gas was unreacting to flame then . so you need ya water to be resonably cool for ya gas to have more energy i think , post some pictures monoman i like to see how ya doing im planing to work on a better comppression tank useing bycical tube rubber and an extra hydroxy generator , im useing the yellow one its good for its size , and ill plan on makeing a better power supply for faster gas production . Quote
monoman Posted February 20, 2007 Report Posted February 20, 2007 hi steven, Ive read an article about this experiment, where the woman suggests using graphite electrodes that she has salvaged from some kind of battery. perhaps this material is less seceptible to corrosion from thie mixture.I think adding salt to the water does not increase the yeild of gas as i said before, but actually increases the rate at which gas is released:when the salty water is electrolysed, chlorine gas will be given out from the same terminal as the oxygen (anode), while the sodium will react with the surrounding water, giving off more hydrogen, and forming sodium hydroxide as a solute. therefore, the hydrogen gas given out at the negative terminal is still pure and is given out at a faster rate, but some hydrogen (potential yeild) will have been locked up within the sodium hydroxide.the addition of sodium hydroxide through this reaction, means that the solution becomes progressively more basic through the course of electrolysis. Basic solutions can be known to attack/corrode certain metals, and in this case it has probably attacked some element within the stainless steel, producing that black stuff you mentioned as a product (perhaps a metal oxide).What I have made so far is really not worth posting:) I will post a few designs I have made though once i get them onto the PC,regards, monoman Quote
steven Posted February 20, 2007 Author Report Posted February 20, 2007 :)thankyou monoman my stainlless steell bolt electrodes are nice and clean still and no corosion since i started useing demineralized water and bi carb soda, the blue water helped to keep them clean before and they are not being effected anymore so far . heres another picture i took off my pc monitor of the ignited hydroxy gas flash that i slowed down to still it then took the picture off the monitor look at the bright yellow flash and the sound i got sounds like 3 pops all at the same time when i slow it down with the video Quote
monoman Posted February 20, 2007 Report Posted February 20, 2007 how did you set up the actual electrolysis chamber? This design is pretty good i Quote
steven Posted February 20, 2007 Author Report Posted February 20, 2007 monoman i used pvc pipe t peace and glued a plastic coke bottle neck into it and sealed the top lid and put my bolts through it i used the same or similiar with the big one Quote
monoman Posted February 20, 2007 Report Posted February 20, 2007 ok thanks, just wanted to be sure that i had the basic design right before i go further. im gonna try and salvage some graphite electrodes too and clean em up:) ill get back to you when i have built something worth posting Quote
steven Posted February 21, 2007 Author Report Posted February 21, 2007 :)ok monoman hey i used 2 fat diodes cut in half on the first electrolysis test and the water was salty and even the water turned black so i wonder if the water will turn a similiar colour if you use ghraphite, i did try useing my 2 half diodes for electrodes on just plian water and i think it went a bit black to as the diode was black to naturally in colour as it was just like other silicon diodes , but effective to in createing good bubles for its size Quote
monoman Posted February 21, 2007 Report Posted February 21, 2007 hi, platinum is the best material to use for the electrode as its an inert metal, but obviously, this is too expensive for a homemade long as this black 'stuff' is not reacting due to the electrolysis, and causing too much unwanted, impure gas to be formed along with the hydrogen then its probably good to use if its giving you a good amount of bubbles. what diodes did you use?,monoman:) Quote
ante Posted February 21, 2007 Report Posted February 21, 2007 The positive electrode in for example a D-cell is a graphite rod which can be used for electrolysis. Quote
steven Posted February 21, 2007 Author Report Posted February 21, 2007 :)monoman i cant remeber the details but the diode was 6 amps , any fat diode will do , once you cut them in half you wont be able to read its details then , looking forward to your next posts and when you get it done some pictures Quote
steven Posted February 25, 2007 Author Report Posted February 25, 2007 if anyone biulds the power supply and test it on iether of the simple hydroxy gas generators, the dial when you turn it you will get to a piont where you can hear inside , of the pipe by putting your ears up to it, the most bubleing you can here so play around with the dial to get the best performance , and when you make the simple hydroxy storage and pressure tank make sure you seal it well and varnish it to help seal any leaks, when you done this put some hydroxy gas or air into it and hold it under water, any bubles means you have a leak , when you fill the tank up with hydroxy gas it pays to fill it up till the rubber at the top bulges up then empty it out ti get rid of the air , same applys to when you fill a balloon up, the water seems to get pritty warm so in order to get it coooler ive made a taller simple hydroxy generator and hope that the extra water it can hold will keep it cooler , when i take the lid off when its runing i can hear it sounding more like its steaming than bubleing and i can see a fine mist comeing out to , heres the latest and the latest tank ive made to Quote
steven Posted February 26, 2007 Author Report Posted February 26, 2007 notice the latest hydroxy gas pressure tank is inflated outwards at the top, thats the yellow rubber cut from a pair of cheap 69 cents rubber gloves , i filled that tank up with hydroxy gas after i made it and left it sitting over night , and it only went down a tiny bit , and its still domed out at the top so all i need to do is test that gas out to see if it still has any potency, my theory of the gas being charged , leaking away and makeing the amount of gas shrink may be out a little ill find out soon. Quote
steven Posted February 28, 2007 Author Report Posted February 28, 2007 :) by useing the home made comppression tank to store more hydroxy gas into it i decided to retest the possible charge it held and used my moveing charge sensor and it dose read a charge of some kind, and when i set my digital multimeter to the low 200 milivolts range and then put one probe to the , gas input metal part of the bycical tube valve , and the other probe i touch it to the bottom of the tank which is non copnductive and i get a 1 to 4 millivolts reading even if i touch that probe to the top rubber to, so it looks like its charge or a pollarity of it is radiating out through the tank from inside . i get the same thing when i hold one probe to my high voltage ignition version capacitor charger to and the other i hold away at a close distance like an energy receaving antannae, if the gas being implosive in nature i can only emagine what happens to the charge in it as its implodeddd with the gas , you would exspect a heap of sparks but i get a cold flame that dosent burn or radiate heat that i could felt and very bright yellow flame with light Quote
audioguru Posted February 28, 2007 Report Posted February 28, 2007 Hydrogen burns with a hard to see blue flame. Sodium added (from bicarbonate of soda or from salt) makes a yellow flame like a sodium-vapour street light. Quote
steven Posted February 28, 2007 Author Report Posted February 28, 2007 :)thankyou audio guru , i replied before but then half way through posting the page went down and i got the page cannot be found or something like that , for a good amount of larger bubles of gas from water , you can use a 2200 uf electro as an electrode pry open the bottom can and put it in the water mix, thats demineralized water with its bi carb soda and make sure it aint all submerged then run the wire to it from my power supply and see bigger and faster bubles come out of the capacitor as if the electrolyte solution in the capacitor seems to be acting as a catalyst. i used a small measureing glass and it was a bit to small as the water got hot so use something bigger , at first i used 2 electros but got better reaction from just one , and the positive and negative foil plates in the electrode was my pos and neg electrodes, heres a pic of the double one Quote
steven Posted February 28, 2007 Author Report Posted February 28, 2007 just click on the picture and see the big bubles under the 2 electrolytes, Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 :)heres a more simpler to make faster power supply for getting faster hydroxy gas output. before i shock yous i was given this little messy looking pototype flyback driver which allso has a bottle capacitor some time ago all i had to do was make the small tesla coil which its ment to power, but i never had the matierial for the coil so i threw it in my projects draw, soon after that i decided to salvage the irfp460 trannys from it which was used in place of the originals trannys which was in the circiut allso found on the net , so i decided to try it on my hydroxy gas generator but it dident go so i made a small modification now it goes faster than my other power supply dose , i ran a wire from the inductor which was originally ment to go to the flyback transformer , to the positive output and it worked great and made gas faster than my other one , and even though its ment to run off a car battery which i reckon youll get better reactions ,i ran it from one of my small 12 volts lead acid cell batteries and i left the top off my hydroxy gas generator and it went so fast i though it was gona over flow with the water in it and bubles and mist , i posted this circiut some time back in the high voltage stuff section so it should still be there Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 if i remeber ok i was told when i was given the prototpye circiut for this, that is was a push pull type circiut and this is ideal for makeing hydroxy gas faster with so im glad i had a printed circiut board version i made useing some of the salvaged parts from the messy prototpye. Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 ill try powering this with the adjustable output of my hydroxy gas power supply latter i reckon ill get really great gas output, heres the circiut again , its in the tesla downunder site to Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 :) one end of the inductor is solderd to the board , the other which was ment to run allso to the flyback transformer i ran it to the positive output Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 one of my pictures come out blury i apoligise for that Quote
steven Posted March 1, 2007 Author Report Posted March 1, 2007 you can see by the amount of dust on the board which i forgot to clean off , how long its been sitting in my projects draw Quote
steven Posted March 2, 2007 Author Report Posted March 2, 2007 :) ulike my other hydroxy gas generator power supply which created gas ok but not fast enougth to overcome the elasticity of the balloon and inflate it under pressure , here is the latest , of the flyback driver circiut being used to create gas at a faster rate , it was so effective it even inflated the balloon more than the other power supply did and concidering the elasticity of the balloon i got enougth pressure from the gas output to inflate the balloon more so now i have to design a bigger hydroxy tank for storeing more gas that is created at a faster rate Quote
steven Posted March 3, 2007 Author Report Posted March 3, 2007 :) if trying to make this circiut for the use of makeing hydroxy gas, the sf67 diodes which aint in the circiut schematics , was only put in to block the reverse voltage from the flyback or something like that, and so i think you dont need them if useing this for the electrolysis stuff . mur4100e diodes are used in the circiut thats the fast diode . but even though the transistors have some kind of biult in protection diode the sf67 diodes may be used for extra protection ill upgrade that circiut schematic to include the changes to make it easyer to biuld by Quote
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