Tag: Timer

Arduino Compatible 2-digit 7-segment Display Board for Timer/Counter
The project presented here is an open source 2-digit 7 segment Arduino compatible display board. It can used in many applications that require 2-digit display and switches inputs. Possible application of this board is a 2-digit counter, 2-digit countdown timer, token display, score...
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ATtiny402 Timer with low power sleep mode
David Johnson-Davies published another great mini project. It's a Timer based on ATtiny402 and was build to demonstrate the low power sleep mode of the microcontroller. This article describes how to use the new 0-series and 1-series ATtiny microcontrollers in low-power projects, taking...
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Sound Activated LED Light With Timer
Clap to light switch with timer project is very useful project for power saving applications. The project switches on the LED light for 45 to 60 seconds when receives two clap sound. This project can be used in store room, toilets, dark area where switch is not visible, night lamp,...
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2 Digit Kitchen Timer 00-99 Seconds or 00-99 Minutes
The projects shown here is a 2 Digit 00-99 Seconds or 00-99 Minutes Countdown kitchen timer based on PIC16F1825 micro-controller. The timer is useful in various applications like Cooking, Sports, Industrial, Sleeping. On board switches provided to set the time and start, a jumper to...
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Basic Electronics – How to use a 555 Timer
Do you want to know how to use a 555 timer? Laura brings you more Back to School tips and tricks on using this integrated circuit. Basic Electronics - How to use a 555 Timer -...
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How To Configure a 555 Timer IC
Philip Kane @ jameco.com has published an article about the famous 555 timer IC and how to configure in monostable and astable modes. The 555 timer was introduced over 40 years ago. Due to its relative simplicity, ease of use and low cost it has been used in literally thousands of...
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PIC Programmable Relay Switch
Raj @ embedded-lab.com published a revised version of an old project, a programmable Relay Switch based on PIC16F1847 (or PIC16F628A) that can be used is various automation applications and you can independently set ON and OFF timer with maximum time interval 99 hours and 59...
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Count down timer for UV lamps using PIC16F887
Here is a countdown timer for UV exposure lamps @ cuteminds.com Here follows a simple count down timer useful for the production of pcbs using photoresist and UV lamps. We have used a pic 16F887 Microchip microcontroller; there are no particular reasons, we have simply used the...
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