Cooling Fan Controller Using Temperature Sensor LM35

Cooling Fan Controller Using Temperature Sensor LM35

The project presented here is a low-cost solution for heat management of the heatsink and various equipment that requires automatic control of a cooling Fan. The project is built using a very cheap LM358 OPAMP. LM358 is used as a comparator, and a trimmer PR1 is provided to set the...

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3-Phase Brushless DC Sinusoidal Sensorless Fan Motor Driver

3-Phase Brushless DC Sinusoidal Sensorless Fan Motor Driver

Driving a low current 3 phase brushless Sensorless DC motor is very easy with this project. This Full-wave BLDC driver project is capable to drive low current brushless fan motor without a hall sensor. 180° sinusoidal drive, high torque output, and silent drive are a few key features...

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PWM Temperature Controlled FAN using TC648 and NTC sensor

PWM Temperature Controlled FAN using TC648 and NTC sensor

The project described here is a switch mode fan speed controller for use with brushed or brushless DC motors. Temperature proportional speed control is accomplished using pulse width modulation (PWM). 10K Ohms NTC is used to sense the temperature. The project is built using TC648 chip...

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