Tag: Datalogger

DIY Data logging weather station under $15
A Homeschoolers Workbench @ instructables.com has build an Arduino based datalogger that reads data from a DHT22 sensor and logs them on a SD card. In this instructable I am going to show you how to build a weather station that logs the information that it collects on a sd card. DIY...
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DIY Arduino ProMini Data Logger
Ed Mallon has details on his DIY ProMini data logger: Typical pro-mini loggers built with this design sleep at 0.25mA, before extra sensors are added. At that current draw, the logger should deliver approximately six months of operation on three brand new AA batteries with a 15min...
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A full-featured, portable weather data recorder
Do you wonder how to build a personal weather station with data logging capability? Well, Jesus Echavarria, a electronic engineer and DIY hardware maker from Spain, has shared the details of his design of a very professional-looking, full-featured, and portable weather data recorder...
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Datalogging Accelerometer Data To An SDCard
MindForge @ 43oh.com build a datalogger board which logs accelerometer values on a SD Card. The datalogger is built around an MSP430G2755 microcontroller and ADXL335 accelerometer sensor from Analog Devices. his project started as an EMG datalogger to study my dad’s Parkinson’s...
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Simple Arduino SD-Card GPS/NMEA Datalogger
KF5OBS @ jaunty-electronics.com shows us how to build a minimalistic GPS datalogger. The GPS logger is based on the Arduino platform and stores raw NMEA sentences from pretty much any GPS module to a SD card. For a project I needed to log GPS information. I had various GPS modules...
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T400 Temperature Datalogger Prototype
This is a walkthrough of the T400 prototype as of 2015-09-20. T400 Temperature Datalogger Prototype -...
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Multi Channel Datalogger with OLED Display
by Jed Hodson @ prototypingcorner.me: A 3 Channel Datalogger Powered by the LinkIt One. This device can log data from 2 Analog Inputs and 1 Digital Input / Output with PWM capabilities. The Device syncs time from GPS and makes use of the on-board battery to make it become even more...
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Data Logger Deluxe Version
An update on LuckyResistor’s data logger project: Just to let you know the deluxe version of the data logger is almost done. The hardware is ready and tested – currently I finish the menu based software for the data logger. Menu based control with 5 capacitive inputs Record,...
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