Tag: PIC12f675

Free Elektor Article: Infrared Remote Controlled Dimmer
This IR remote controlled dimmer works with a triac and in its standard configuration is suitable for light electric heaters and incandescent lamps up to about 1000 watts. The PIC microcontroller used in the project can learn control codes from almost any remote control. Here’s power...
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Slave Flash Trigger
A Programmable Optical Slave Flash Trigger for Digital Cameras with PIC 12F675 Slave Flash Trigger -...
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RC Servo Driver 0-5V
0 – 5V Servo Controller project will control a hobby type servo motor connected to it via a preset or external DC source. This kit will be ideal add on in animatronics and motion control application. This is a simple but a useful circuit to control a single servo motor. Its...
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Simple Infrared Barrier
by Maurizio @ dev.emcelettronica.com: Although a remote control is not so difficult to design and build, there is an even simpler option: the IR barrier. This consists of a constant IR signal permanently going from an emitter to a receiver, both of them being in two different places...
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