Tag: SD-card

WiGPSFi – ESP8266 + GPS module
euerdesign.de has connected the ESP8266 to an GPS and a SD-Card to scan networks – coded a MySQL-DB with some PHP parsers and dynamic maps – and get fascinated by all the 2,4 GHz radiation arround him. In this blogpost, you can only read about finding and printing out maps with...
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Soil Moisture Sensor with SD logging
WojciechM3 @ instructables.com has build an Arduino based soil moisture sensor with character LCD, real time clock and SD card logging. It can be very helpful with a master degree biotechnology/biology/botanics works, however remember that kind of a project can be only add as a...
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Hacking the Zsun WiFi SD Card Reader
makers @ hackerspace.pl decided to hack the Zsun Wifi SD Card Reader and run OpenWrt on it and turn it on a awesome wifi device. Hacking the Zsun WiFi SD Card Reader -...
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Datalogging Accelerometer Data To An SDCard
MindForge @ 43oh.com build a datalogger board which logs accelerometer values on a SD Card. The datalogger is built around an MSP430G2755 microcontroller and ADXL335 accelerometer sensor from Analog Devices. his project started as an EMG datalogger to study my dad’s Parkinson’s...
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Simple Arduino SD-Card GPS/NMEA Datalogger
KF5OBS @ jaunty-electronics.com shows us how to build a minimalistic GPS datalogger. The GPS logger is based on the Arduino platform and stores raw NMEA sentences from pretty much any GPS module to a SD card. For a project I needed to log GPS information. I had various GPS modules...
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Advanced Datalogger with ATMEGA328, BMP180, DHT22, BH1750 and sd card
educ8s.tv has published another great Arduino project. It's a ATMega328 based datalogger able to record temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and light to a SD card. In this video we build an Advanced Data Logger with Arduino. We use a DHT22 temperature and Humidity Sensor, a...
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Smart Watch
Matthew Filipek from Cornell Univercity has build a nice smart watch with 1.7 inch touch screen, SD card, Bluetooth module and various apps. One of the main inspirations for this project was Jared Sanson's implementation of a DIY smartwatch (REF 0). With several design iterations, he...
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Portable GPS Data Logger
elm-chan.org has build a portable GPS logger based on ATMega328 mcu: I have built a GPS Logger and it works very well to trace the drove route for two years. By the way, the navigation solution computed by GPS receiver itself has an excellent accuracy without DGPS because an...
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