Tag: synchronous

MP8774H Synchronous Step-Down Converter
MPS' MP8774H has constant on-time (COT) control operation and provides very fast transient response, easy loop design, and very tight output regulation MPS' MP8774H is a fully integrated, high-frequency, synchronous, rectified, step-down, switch-mode converter with internal...
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LTC7804 40 V 3 MHz Boost Controller with Spectrum Frequency
Analog Devices' LTC7804 offers low Iq, small solution size, and PassThru™ operation for up to 99.9% efficiency ADI's LTC7804 is a low IQ, 3 MHz PassThru operation capable synchronous boost DC/DC switching regulator controller that operates up to a 40 V input voltage. Its low...
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50V to 5V @7A Synchronous Buck (Step-down) Converter
This module is a non-isolated 7A DC-DC converter. The module can convert any DC voltage between 7V to 50V to a 5V DC with load current up to 7A. The project has been designed around LM5116 Wide Range Synchronous Buck Controller IC. The design includes 6uH toroid inductor and two N...
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6A/6V Buck Converter with 16V Input Operates at up to 2MHz
16V, 6A, High Efficiency, Synchronous, Step-Down Converter with Adjustable Current Limit. Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) introduced the MPQ8626, a fully integrated, high-frequency, synchronous, buck converter. According to MPS, the MPQ8626 offers a very compact solution that achieves...
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