Tag: digital potentiometer

Texas Instruments TPL1401 Digital Potentiometer (Digipot)
Texas Instruments TPL1401 Digital Potentiometer (Digipot) offers higher load regulation in voltage-divider applications as a result of an integrated buffered wiper. The TPL1401 makes in-factory calibration and trimming easier with integrated non-volatile memory (NVM) and a simple I2C...
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MCP4141 based digital potentiometer
Dilshan Jayakody has been working on an open-source hardware project MCP4141 based digital potentiometer, that is available on GitHub. MCP4141 and ATtiny13 based digital potentiometer to replace an existing 3 terminal analog potentiometers. The main objective of this project is to...
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APP NOTE: Digital potentiometer to control LED brightness
Controlling LED brightness through digital potentiometer and a LED driver from ON Semiconductor. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) require a regulated current, and their brightness is proportional to the current that flows through them. Some LED drivers use an external resistor to set the...
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Digital Potentiometer using Optical Encoder – 10KOhms
The primary application of the project is to replace the mechanical potentiometer with optical encoder which is long life, accurate, smooth in operation. The simple project has been designed around LS7184 quadrature clock converter IC from LSI semiconductor, AD5220-10 Digital...
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