Tag: Seismic

Smallest seismic sensor uses vibration spectral analysis
Graham Prophet @ eedesignnewseurope.com discuss about a new small seismic sensor from Omron: Omron Electronic Components believes it has the world’s smallest class size seismic sensor, specifically designed to trigger the shutdown of potentially hazardous or easily damaged systems...
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Measuring seismic activity using ProtoCentral OpenPressure
Seismic activity or "Vibrations of the earth" is measured using ProtoCentral's OpenPressure 24-bit DAQ System. A geophone is a magnetic device used to measure the Earth's normal vibrations (some abnormal during events such as earthquakes). These movements are also present when there...
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D7S Vibration Sensor From Omron
Omron announced a new seismic sensor and claims it’s the world's smallest in size. D7S sensor is a MEMS 3-axis acceleration sensor featuring OMRON's unique SI value calculation algorithm, which has a high correlation with the seismic intensity scale that indicates the magnitude of an...
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Android app turns smartphones into a seismic network
Researchers at UC Berkeley (California) have developed an Android app that can detect vibrations from earthquakes using the standard sensors integrated into smartphones. Android app turns smartphones into a seismic network -...
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