Michael @ acidbourbon.wordpress.com has built the “perfect” tea timer project. He wrote a post on his blog detailing its assembly:
Maybe you just drink coffee. Then this article is not particularly interesting for you. But if you like a cup of black or green tea once in a while you might know the problem: You prepare your tea and you let it stand for a minute too long. Then it is bitter. So the next time you use the timer functionality of your smartphone … unlock the screen, open the timer app, enter something like “3:00″ (minutes), press start, pour boiling water over the tea, wait. Then your phone beeps like crazy while you are fumbling around with the hot and wet teabag you want to dispose of. Finally you unlock your beeping phone with your wet fingers, open the timer app again and silence it. Pure stress.
ATTiny25 based tea timer – [Link]