Efinix’s development kit is optimized to explore T20/T13 devices.
The Trion T20 BGA256 development kit from Efinix® is optimized to explore the many features of the easy-to-use, I/O-rich T20/T13 devices. The kit provides many ways to connect to other hardware, enabling the testing of design solutions in Trion FPGAs either by connecting it to another board for full system debug or as a stand-alone debug approach.
With the purchase of the Trion development kit, customers receive a single-seat license for the Efinity® software with one year of software maintenance, including updates and upgrades. The Efinity software provides a complete tool flow from RTL design to bitstream generation, including synthesis, place-and-route, and timing analysis. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides a visual way to set up projects, run the tool flow, and view results. The software also has a command-line flow and Tcl command console. The software-generated bitstream file is used to configure the Trion FPGA on the development board with a custom design.
- T20 FPGA in 256-ball FBGA package
- Eight user LEDs
- Three user pushbutton switches, three user DIP switches
- Micro-USB port
- SPI and JTAG headers to facilitate configuration
- Three I/O headers to connect to external devices
- 50 MHz and 74.25 MHz oscillators
- LVDS TX, RX, and clock headers
- 256 Mb SDR SDRAM
more information: www.efinixinc.com