educ8s.tv wanted to take a look at this tiny board for a long time. It is very small size, it is low cost and it uses a different processor than the Arduino boards. It uses the ATTiny 85 microcontroller chip, which can operate at a frequency up to 20Mhz. It has 8Kb of flash memory, 512bytes of RAM memory and 6 I/O pins 2 of which can implement the I2C protocol. It is very small in size and has low power requirements. We can program it using the Arduino IDE, which makes things so much easier! I got this tiny board with a USB interface in order to be easier to program. You can find a link for this ATtiny85 board in the description of the video.
educ8s.tv wanted to test if the ATtiny85 board is a good option for simple projects and if we achieve longer battery life with this board that a standard Arduino mini. Let’s find out together.
ATTiny85 board A First Look and review – [Link]