Millimetre wave radar simultaneously tracks the health states of 10 people
According to a recent report from Japanese news outlet Nikkei xTech, Sakura Tech Corp has demonstrated a health management system built around its miRadar 8 24GHz-band millimetre wave radar, capable of wirelessly measuring the heart and breathing rates of up to 10 people at the same time. By Julien Happich @ www.eenewseurope.com
Initially designed for automotive and trucking applications such as driver monitoring systems, Sakura Tech’s miRadar 8 unit which measures just 104x76x6mm could also find applications in buildings at room level. The company highlights that its system has a high detection capacity even at night, noting that if a camera were combined with the millimetre wave radar device, the measurement accuracy of the system might be further improved. miRadar 8 can detect obstacles located 30-50m away.
For the purpose of measuring heart and breathing rates with a high accuracy, the maximum detection distance of the system was demonstrated at about 5m, with an azimuth angle range of 45° in the right and left directions. The system comes with two transmission antennas and four reception antennas, all the chips necessary for the radar transmission and reception being integrated into the radar unit.
Sakura Tech Corp – www.sakuratech.jp