Tag: Digital

Digital Battery Operated Powersupply
ThomasVDD @ instructables.com writes: A while back I built a powersupply from an old ATX PSU, and while it works great, I wanted to step up my game with a digital powersupply. As already said, it is powered by batteries (2 lithium cells to be precise), and it can deliver a maximum...
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Homebrew Multimode Digital Voice Modem adapter
Florian Wolters made his own version of MMDVM adapter: During experiments with digital voice mode in hamradio I discovered a nice project describing an adapter for D-Star, DMR and other digital modes based on an Arduino Due and a little PCB to be put on top. This unit is called the...
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Wireless digital scale
This is a wireless digital scale using ATTiny85 microcontroller and HM-10 Bluetooth low energy transmitter/receiver: This scale is wireless. It may be useful where you can't operate a normal scale, due to the weather outside, or if you don't want to scare birds or other creatures...
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PIC16F628A Programmable Digital Timer
Raj Bhatt shared another project with us. This time is a programmable digital timer with relay switch based on PIC16F628A. Programmable relays find use in numerous automation applications such as automatic street light control, watering and pump control, HVAC, home automation, power...
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Oscilloscope tips and tricks
Arthur Pini has compiled a list of tips and tricks for use on digital oscilloscopes. The article is separated on 3 parts. The first is "10 Tricks that extend oscilloscope usefulness" the second is "10 More tricks to extend oscilloscope usefulness" and the third on the link...
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Generating Analog Voltage with Digital Circuit
Maurizio show us how to generate an analog voltage using a microcontroller and some resistors. The purpose of this article is how to generate analog voltage with digital circuit. Although the market provides today a very broad range of dedicated digital-to-analogue converters,...
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ARC Digital Amplifier
Enjoy high-end sound quality for all your music with this small and modern digital amplifier. The ARC was made to bridge the gap between high-end sound quality and the world of digital music. Designed as the perfect receiver and amplifier, this ultra-compact unit provides...
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The DigiRule – a digital ruler
Brad has designed a cool binary PCB ruler, The DigiRule: So I made the DigiRule! – The DigiRule is a 15cm (6″) ruler with which is marked in binary digits rather than decimal. It has a number of built in digital functions including: logic gates, flip flops, counters etc. The...
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