Tag: rotary encoder

Lilygo’s T-Embed: A Compact IoT Embedded Panel with ESP32-S3, RGB Ring Light, and TFT Display
Lilygo has recently launched the T-Embed, an IoT-embedded panel designed for programmable development, featuring a compact design with ABS and PC material. The ESP32-S3 MCU powers it and supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5, including Bluetooth mesh. The panel includes a 1.9-inch IPS color...
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Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Rotary Encoder – Arduino Compatible
This DC Motor controller provides direction and speed control of brushed DC Motor using Rotary Encoder. This is Arduino compatible hardware that consists of LMD18201 DC motor driver chip, Atmega328 microcontroller, Rotary Encoder, L317 regulator, and other components. Hardware offers...
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Roendi – A Rotary Encoder with Programmable Digital Display
A rotary encoder is a position sensor that converts the motion of a knob into an output signal that is used to determine the direction the knob is being rotated. Rotary encoders are usually attached to motors and are used to ensure that the motor stator and rotor positions are always...
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Stereo volume and balance control with Rotary Encoder using MAX5440
The project described here is a compact stereo volume and balance control with rotary encoder. It provides 32 log potentiometer steps with buffered wiper output. The project can easily replace mechanical potentiometer. 5 LEDs indicate the volume level or balance settings , depending on...
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Arduino Menu Tutorial with a Rotary Encoder and a Nokia 5110 LCD display
In our last tutorial, we examined how to create a menu for your Arduino project on a Nokia 5110 LCD, with push buttons to navigate through it. In today’s tutorial will build a modified version of it as we will use a rotary encoder (in place of the push buttons) for menu navigation. A...
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I2C Encoder V2 – Connect multiple rotary encoders on the I2C bus
I2C Encoder V2 is a tiny smart board for connecting multiple rotary encoders on the I2C bus and it's live on kickstarter. The I2C Encoder V2 supports various type of rotary encoder with one footprint: Standard mechanical encoder Illuminated RGB encoder Clickable rotary...
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Rotary Encoder with Arduino and Nokia 5110 LCD Tutorial
Today we will take a look at using a rotary encoder with Arduino and displaying rotation data on the Nokia 5110 LCD display. A rotary encoder is an Electro-mechanical device that converts angular position or the rotation of a shaft into analog or digital values. By turning the shaft to...
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Easy Arduino Menus for Rotary Encoders
SimonM83 has posted a new tutorial on how to implement an Arduino menu using a rotary encoder. The tutorial goes through the hardware setup and sample code is provided. Rotary encoders with centre-push buttons are cool input hardware for projects, especially if you want to be able to...
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