Witty Pi 3 offers RTC clock and powers your Raspberry Pi from a battery

Witty Pi 3 offers RTC clock and powers your Raspberry Pi from a battery

Witty Pi 3 is the third generation of Witty Pi, and it is a descendant of Witty Pi 2. UUGear, popular for its add-on boards, has launched a new version of their Witty Pi board for the Raspberry Pi. According to the company, the Witty Pi 3 incorporates an RTC and power management options for the Raspberry Pi, including the ability to define complex on/off sequences using simple scripts. The board is compatible with any Pi with a 40-pin header including A+, B+, 2B, Zero, Zero W, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, and 4B, which seems to be every board in the product line. For the hardware features, the Witty Pi 3 is equipped with the same DS3231SN RTC chip present in the previous versions, and also an ATtiny841 microcontroller for more complex applications, micro USB port (power/programming), with an onboard LM29150 LDO voltage regulator, which is capable of handling up to 26V from a host of battery sources.

Available also is a slot for a CR2032 battery (for RTC), and there are no jumpers to work with, because all configuration is done via I2C, with a simple switch safely turning the Raspberry Pi’s power on or off if needed. The Witty Pi 3 equips the Raspberry Pi with a lot of different features: You can power your Raspberry Pi with higher voltage, you can also gracefully turn on/off Raspberry Pi with single tap on the switch. After shutting down, Raspberry Pi and all its USB peripherals’ power are fully cut. Raspberry Pi knows the accurate time, even without accessing the Internet.

Raspberry Pi is capable of knowing the temperature, due to the sensor in the RTC chip. You can also schedule the startup/shutdown of your Raspberry Pi. Another cool feature is it enables you write a script to define complex ON/OFF sequence. You can shut down Raspberry Pi when the input voltage is lower than the pre-set value, and turn on Raspberry Pi when input voltage raises to pre-set value. Finally, when the OS loses response, you can long hold the switch to force the power cut.

The Witty Pi 3 is now available for $23 direct from UUGear’s product page.

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About Tope Oluyemi

I am passionate about technology especially consumer electronics and gadgets and I love to talk and write about them. At my spare time I play video games, watch movies and I love biking.

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