by Graham Prophet @ edn-europe.com:
Distributor element14 has a 7-in. Touchscreen Display for the Raspberry Pi, expanding the ecosystem of accessories, to enable users to create all-in-one integrated projects such as turning their Pi into a tablet, infotainment system or embedded project.
Compatible with Raspberry Pi 2, and Raspberry Pi 1 models B+ and A+*, the screen can be used to make ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) devices with a visual display. Connect the Raspberry Pi, develop a Python script, and create home automation devices with touchscreen capability. A range of educational software and programs available on the Raspberry Pi will be touch enabled, making learning and programming easier.
Designed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the 800 × 480 display connects to the Raspberry Pi’s DSI display connector via an adapter board that handles power and signal conversion. Touchscreen drivers with support for 10-finger touch and an on-screen keyboard will be integrated into the latest Raspbian OS for full functionality without the need for a physical keyboard or mouse.
Plug-in touchscreen makes a Raspberry Pi tablet – [Link]