Tag: L298

InfraRed Robot Controller Shield For Arduino Nano
This compact Infrared robot controller is based on Arduino Nano and L298 H-Bridge. The Nano shield can be used in various DC Motor driver applications using infra-red remote control or speed controller using trimmer potentiometer and direction control with help of slide switch. The...
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2X L298 Dual DC Motor Driver Board for Robots
2x L298 H-Bridge Dual Motor driver project can control two DC motors connected to it. The circuit is designed around popular dual H-Bridge L298 from ST. Motor supply 7V To 46V DC, Load 2Amp Each Channel. Features Motor supply V2: 7 to 46 VDC Logic Supply V1 : 5V DC...
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Dual DC Motor Driver For Robot with L298
Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Control project can control two DC motors connected to it. The circuit is designed around popular dual H-Bridge L298 from ST. This board can be configured to drive a single motor with high current rating also. This can be achieved with the help of jumpers on...
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Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Motor Control
Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Control project can control two DC motors connected to it. The circuit has been designed around popular dual H-Bridge L298 from ST. This circuit has current sense resistors for both H-bridges to provide voltage which enables this board to use in stepper motor...
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