Author: Aditi Ambadkar

Castellated Dreams Delivers Compact, Surface-Mountable CAN Bus Module
Electronics design company Castellated Dreams has launched a compact and versatile module to add CAN bus connectivity to various projects. Built on the Microchip MCP2515 controller, the module connects to host devices using SPI communication and offers a dual-purpose design suitable for...
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Qt Creator 14 Released with Lua-Based Plugin Support and Enhanced Features
The Qt Company has announced the release of Qt Creator 14, the latest stable version of its open-source IDE for designing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using the Qt language. This release brings several new features, improvements, and enhancements, making it a powerful tool for...
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The Epi C3: A Compact ESP32-C3 Development Board with USB-C and Ceramic Antenna
The Epi C3 is a miniature development board featuring the Espressif ESP32-C3 microcontroller, equipped with a USB-C connector for power and programming, and an onboard ceramic antenna optimized for wireless communication. This board joins the ranks of other compact ESP32-C3 boards like...
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Arduino Transitions from Arm Mbed to Zephyr RTOS
In response to Arm's decision to phase out support for Mbed by July 2026, Arduino has announced a significant shift to Zephyr RTOS for several of its boards currently dependent on Mbed. Affected products include the Arduino GIGA, Arduino Nano 33 BLE, Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, and the...
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ASUS Unveils the Tinker Board 3: A Return to the Maker Market
ASUS has introduced a new addition to its Tinker Board lineup, the Tinker Board 3, which revisits the familiar Raspberry Pi-style footprint. Though it shares a name with an earlier model, this new Tinker Board 3 represents a departure from the industrial design of its predecessor, the...
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URVE Board A55: A Rockchip RK3566-Powered Linux Computer for Industrial and IoT Applications
The URVE Board A55 is a robust, high-performance Arm-based single-board computer built for continuous operation in demanding environments. Its design is well-suited for industrial automation, IoT, robotics, and multimedia content display, ensuring 24/7/365 reliability. At the heart of...
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Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5 Board: High-Performance Development Platform with Advanced Connectivity
The Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5 board is a cutting-edge development platform designed for engineers, developers, and enthusiasts seeking to create innovative applications with ease and efficiency. At the heart of this board lies the RP2350, a powerful dual-core Cortex-M33/RISC-V...
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Maker Go Launches Low-Cost Arduino UNO R4 Minima Clone for Under $1
Maker Go, a Chinese hobbyist electronics specialist, has introduced a cost-effective alternative to the Arduino UNO R4 Minima, built around the same Renesas RA4M1 microcontroller. This clone significantly reduces the cost of entry, with an initial price of under $1 for a limited...
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