Tag: RS485

Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Signaling Converter
This project provides a solution for converting RS232 signaling to RS485 signaling. This allows long-distance communication since the range supported by RS232 is normally less than 50 feet while RS485’s range can exceed 1000 feet. The design features an RS232 transceiver, an RS485...
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Isolated RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Integrated DC-DC Converter
The project presented here is a galvanically isolated differential line transceiver with a built-in isolated DC-DC converter for TIA/EIA RS-485 and RS-422 applications. Both signal and power paths are isolated per UL1577 and are qualified for reinforced isolation per VDE, CSA, and...
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4 Channel High-Speed – Robust-EMC Reinforced Digital Isolators
The project described here is a high-performance, quad-channel digital isolator with a 5000VRMS isolation rating as per UL1577. The ISO7740 IC provides high electromagnetic immunity and low emissions at low power consumption while isolating CMOS or LVCMOS digital I/O s. Each isolation...
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RS485 Shield For Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano RS485 shield will help you to transmit and receive serial data using the twisted pair RS485 network. The module provides half-duplex communication. LED D1 indicates receive data, D2 Transmit LED, J1 jumper is optional and not in use in this application. DI/RE connected to...
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