Banana Pi BPI-M4 Matches Raspberry Pi Zero W Form Factor
Raspberry PiTop Stories

Banana Pi BPI-M4 Matches Raspberry Pi Zero W Form Factor

The New Banana Pi BPI-M4 is another compact SBC in the Raspberry Pi Zero W form factor. It's equipped with an Allwinner H618 quad-core processor, 2GB LPDDR4 RAM, and 8GB eMMC storage. The board offers mini HDMI output, two USB-C ports, WiFi 5, Bluetooth 4.2, a standard 40-pin GPIO...

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Orange Pi Zero 2W – a new Raspberry Pi Zero 2W alternative with various RAM options
SBCTop Stories

Orange Pi Zero 2W – a new Raspberry Pi Zero 2W alternative with various RAM options

Orange Pi recently introduced a new Raspberry PI Zero 2W alternative powered by a high-performance Allwinner H618 4-core processor with up to 4GB of RAM memory. The new Orange Pi Zero 2W is certainly not the first RPI Zero 2W alternative to be released, but it is sure one board that...

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