Meet Agon Light — A Microcontroller and a Microcomputer in One
Agon Light is a compact low-cost board that is both a microcomputer and an instant-on, BASIC-programmed microcontroller. The fully open-hardware open-source board sits between being a microcontroller development board like an Arduino and a conventional single-board computer like a...
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CB2 is a BASIC Retro micro Microcomputer
If you’d like to return to a time when your computer had very accessible components, a microprocessor, RAM, ROM, and I/O chips all hanging from an exposed bus, you can do so by building your very own BASIC color microcomputer with the CB2 micro kit in under 30 minutes for as low as...
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8 Channel RS485 Relay Board
This project helps you control 8 relays using RS485 link with the help of a PC. This kit can effectively convert a standard PC to a powerful PLC ( programmable logic controller ). At the PC end , you will need to use our RS232 to RS485 Interface – C020 or any other suitable...
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