Tag: blynk

Cellular IoT with Blynk & Hologram
Use a $9 GSM module & the Hologram network to remotely control any Arduino with Blynk App. Blynk is an awesome tool that allows you to build drag and drop apps for controlling hardware remotely! Its perfect for quickly creating useful IoT projects. This tutorial will run you...
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DIY BLE Thermometer With Arduino and Blynk
Konstantin Dimitrov has shared a new tutorial on Arduino Project Hub on how to make an Arduino/Genuino 101 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) thermometer with TMP102 and Blynk. Blynk is a platform with iOS and Android apps to control Arduino, Raspberry Pi and the likes over the Internet. You can...
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Wireless mood light with Arduino & BLYNK
sagnikb7 @ instructables.com show us how to build a wireless mood lamp using Arduino and BLYNK app. In this tutorial we will be creating a MOOD (you can create any color you can imagine to fit your mood) light, that can be controlled from your smartphone, we will be creating the APP...
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Control an electrical appliance with your smartphone – WiFi
Ruben Marc Speybrouck show us how to control a device using your tablet or smartphone. To achieve that he used arduino, blynk and a wemos / ESP8266 board. In this tutorial we will be making something I call a wifi controlled ac switch. (But iy also works for DC applications that are...
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