Tag: Geiger

New and Improved Geiger Counter – Now With WiFi!
In one of our previous tutorials, we examined the development of a DIY-Geiger Counter showing the efforts of “Instructable” user Prabhat who combined the ESP8266 with a touch screen display to create a truly intuitive version of his Geiger Counter. He recently created an updated...
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Wi-Fi and OLED Upgrade for MightyOhm Geiger Counter
Dan Watson @ syncchannel.blogspot.com wanted to have more fun with his MightyOhm Geiger Counter so decided to add an OLED display and Wifi capability to it. To achieve that he modified the counter, added a Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 with OLED FeatherWing and wrote some code. The process...
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Geiger Backpack with Intel Edison
Geiger Backpack is a device that measures ambient radioactivity and GPS position and saves them on a cloud database using your smartphone as a WiFi hotspot. Our project is a portable device powered by an Intel Edison and equipped with a GPS receiver and a Geiger Tube, a sensor able...
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Touchscreen-controlled Arduino Geiger Counter
by Toumal @ github.com: A touchscreen-controlled Geiger Counter for Arduino. Requires a Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger sensor, a ITDB02 Display from SainSmart and an Arduino Mega. Software needs my fork of the RadiationWatch library, the ITDB02 library as well as the UTouch...
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Arduino Mini Geiger Counter
by paulindallas @ instructables.com: Last Black Friday, the big sale day that comes right after Thanksgiving, I came across a sale on the Electronic Goldmine web site for a Geiger counter kit and tube for about $30. Now I always wanted to play with a Geiger counter, even as a kid...
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Geiger counter with SBM20 tube
by weirdlab.fr: I “rebuild” my Geiger counter, the SBM-20 tube was initially inside the box, i have put this one inside a 32mm diam plastic tube, for more convenience, wired through a XLR3 cable. This counter is from “Electronique-Pratique” n°368, a french electronic...
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