Tag: Moore Law

Surrounding Gate Transistors – Price + Size + Performance
Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted in 1965 that the number of transistors per silicon chip would double every two years. This came to be known as Moore´s Law which has been proven accurate for the last fifty years. Many scientists argue that the law is soon to be broken because of...
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Keeping up with Moore’s Law
by Clemens Valens @ elektormagazine.com: There was a time that every extra storage byte crammed into a chip was greeted with cheers and applause but today only few people will get the champagne out when an extra gigabyte or so is announced. We have become so used to the ever growing...
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What Will Happen to Moore’s Law in 2021?
Moore’s law states that the number of transistors doubles every two years. Rachel Courtland from IEEE Spectrum explained the sharp turn of Moore's law in 2021. Chip manufactures will switch to another way of boosting the density in the chip by having multilayer chips using vertical...
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