Tag: Quantum dots

Quantum Dots in Medical Science as Cancer Tracer
A huge leap in personalized medicine may come from the use of Quantum dots (QDs) to combat and identify several hard to cure diseases, such as cancer, immunodeficiencies, and neurological disorders. Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor nanocrystals with unique photophysical properties....
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Three quantum computer components integrated on one chip
Scientists at the University of Stuttgart and the KIT succeed in important further development on the way to quantum computers. Quantum computers one day should be able to solve certain computing problems much faster than a classical computer. One of the most promising approaches is...
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Quantum Dots Boost Solar Cells
R. Colin Johnson @ eetimes.com discuss about quantum dots applications and how scientists use them to boost photovoltaic output. LAKE WALES, Fla—Quantum dots are already being used commercially to boost the output and expand the color range of ultra-high-definition televisions,...
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