Tag: SMS

Free Elektor Article: Power Outage Detector with Text Messaging
Power outages are fairly rare in central Europe, and when they do occur, they are usually short. However, if the heating system of your holiday home doesn’t start up again after a power outage, the consequences can be costly. And even if only your freezer at home stops working while...
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LoRa Mesh Chat
A simple add-on for mobile phones to enable SMS-like messaging in a group when outside cell coverage, or in disaster scenarios. This is a fairly simple add-on for mobile phones to enable SMS-like messaging in a group when outside cell coverage, or in disaster scenarios. It utilises...
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Save My Child: The smart sensor that sends text messages if you forget the child in the car
It is installed in cars, and thanks to a detector placed on the child seat, it warns us – via SMS or phone call – if we get away without bringing the child with us. Boris Landoni writes: Among the most saddening (and at any rate, infrequent) accidents in the news, there are those...
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Control a 12V Lamp via SMS with Arduino
In this tutorial we’re going to show you how you can turn a 12V lamp on and off by sending SMS to your Arduino with the text “ON” and "OFF", respectively. You can also request the current lamp state by sending an SMS with the text “STATE”, the Arduino should reply back with...
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Send Texts or Make Calls With This Tiny GSM Board
@ blog.tindie.com This quad band GSM board is claimed to be the worlds smallest of its kind. We have no way to verify this bold claim but let’s all agree that this is a pretty small board that lets you send texts and make calls. The GSM feature is an addition to the OLEDiUNO Cube...
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Arduino-Based Two-Way Pager
This Arduino-based pager by Mike Schaus will allow you to send and receive real SMS text messages. This messaging device has its own SIM card and phone number. In order to build this project you need the following parts: 1* Arduino UNO 1*Hologram SIM Card w/Device...
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Send and Receive SMS with GSM SIM900 Arduino Shield
In this Instructable, you will learn how easy it is to send and receive SMS messages over GSM with Arduino. One of the essential elements of building IoT project is the ability to connect devices. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are good low cost choices, but they work only at close ranges, or...
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Arduino with GSM and PIR Sensor
by motheeb @ instructables.com: This lesson will allow you to use SMS to control an LED along with using Arduino to make automatic calls to your phone in case it sensed movements in your room. You will be able to listen to the voices there and act upon emergency. Arduino with GSM...
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