Tag: weather station

How to Build a TinyML Smart Weather Station using Wio Terminal
You might have seen many ML-based projects for weather predictions. Where training of an ML model is followed by testing of the model for good accuracies. This tutorial will learn to deploy a similar type of ML model using an on-board TensorFlow Lite on the Wio Terminal. You will see...
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STONE HMI ESP32 Weather Station using STVC101WT-01 TFT LCD module
In the application of this paper, I will use the STONE TFT LCD screen, esp32 microprocessor, photosensitive resistance sensor, and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor to realize the real-time monitoring of the surrounding environment and push the collected data to the TFT LCD screen for...
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ESP8266 Weather Monitor with tiny OLED display
deantonious @ github.com has shared the Arduino code and PHP api for a simple ESP8266 weather monitor with 128x32 pixel oled display. Not much additional details are given, but we thought worth sharing this interesting mini project. ESP8266 WeatherMonitor with tiny OLED display -...
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Arduino and BMP280 Based Weather Station
Weather stations are interesting projects for beginners and very useful for expert makers. They are usually quite simple to build but also provide fairly accurate and useful weather data. We have built a couple of them in different tutorials on this website, with the difference usually...
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ATtiny85 Weather Station with SD1331 OLED display
This is a weather station based on an ATtiny85 and an Adafruit Bosch BME280 sensor breakout. It displays the atmospheric temperature, pressure, and humidity on a 96x64 SD1331 colour OLED display. by David Johnson-Davies: To display the readings the Weather Station uses a low-cost 96x64...
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Arduino Weather Station with DHT11 and BMP180
In the previous tutorial I showed you how to build a weather station using only the DHT11 sensor and I said the readings from this sensor is fairly accurate. In this tutorial, I will be using the DHT11 to measure only the humidity and BMP180 to measure pressure and temperature. That’s...
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Easy IoT Weather Station With Multiple Sensors
Ingenerare @ instructables.com show us an easy to build IoT weather station able to measure temperature, dew point, humidity, pressure, light index, and rain. He writes: A weather station is a fun project that teaches you a ton about electronics with the added benefit being an...
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Dual Screen Netatmo Weather Station
Netatmo Weather Station is a module that measures your indoor comfort by providing vital information such as temperature, humidity, air quality, and CO2, alerting you when you need to air out your home to bring down its pollution levels. One of the Netatmo limitations is that you...
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