Interest in magazines has declined in the age of social media and blogging. However, some people are somewhat skeptical about the future of this industry, especially the printed magazines.
But surprisingly, a story published on EEVBlog forum about a new 100-page-long Australian magazine called DIYODE targets electronics enthusiasts with a printed and a digital edition seems to grab attention.
The first issue will be published on July 1st, 2017, and preorders are open for the first issue.
$7 for digital edition, and $10 for the printed one. Another option can save you some money is the annual subscription.
The new magazine is open for electronics hobbyist to submit their project ideas. If they like it, they will publish it. You can submit it using DIYODE website.

The content will be around: community-submitted projects, DIY new projects, fundamental knowledge tips and thought-provoking ideas. Anyway, David from EEVBlog reviewed an exclusive early copy of it. You can watch the video to see some actual content before subscribing to the new magazine.