Liquid-Level Monitoring Using a Pressure Sensor – Bar-Graph Display

Liquid-Level Monitoring Using a Pressure Sensor – Bar-Graph Display

This project allows users to monitor the liquid level on a Bar-Graph display. The liquid level is measured using a pressure sensor, the sensor is placed on top of the tank and is connected to an open-ended tube that is submerged in the water tank. The amount of water in the tank...

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Two Channel Smart Low-Side Power Switch for Inductive, Resistive and Capacitive Loads – Arduino Shield

Two Channel Smart Low-Side Power Switch for Inductive, Resistive and Capacitive Loads – Arduino Shield

The project presented here enables users to switch all kinds of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads, limited by clamping energy (EAS) and maximum current requirement. The user may interface 2 x inductive, resistive, and capacitive loads such as solenoid, dc motor, high current...

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Attiny85 8-pin Arduino Programming Shield

Attiny85 8-pin Arduino Programming Shield

This Arduino shield transforms your Arduino UNO into an ISP-Programmer for the ATtiny85 microcontroller. The board simplifies the Boot-loader burning on the ATtiny85 chip. It consists of an 8-pin DIP socket to insert the new ATtiny85 chip, C1 decoupling capacitor, and C2 capacitor is...

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8 Channel Infra-Red Remote-Control Arduino Shield Using ULN2803

8 Channel Infra-Red Remote-Control Arduino Shield Using ULN2803

This is an 8 channel infra-red remote-control Arduino shield that can drive 8 high current loads such as LEDs, solenoids, multiple toy DC Motors, dual unipolar stepper motor, filament lamps, etc. Each channel consists of two parallel NPN transistors with freewheel diodes which are...

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