Tag: BC847

Inclinometer with 17 Segment BarGraph Display
This project is an inclinometer based on the ADXL203/ADXL103 accelerometer chip and the Arduino microcontroller ATMEGA328. The device measures tilt and displays it on a 17-segment bar graph display. The ADXL203 provides an analog value, which is read by the ATMEGA328's ADC A0 and...
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RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator
This simple Arduino compatible project reads an RC PWM signal (1000μs to 2000μs) and provides 0 to 500Hz pulse output to drive a stepper motor. Step and Direction outputs are open collector types 5V signals. Both signals can directly drive LEDs of optocoupler of stepper drivers. The...
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RC Radio Controlled Switch with Relay
This RC Relay project enables control of large current devices using a Radio Control (RC) System. This RC switch converts hobby radio control (RC) pulses to control the on/off state of the Relay. On board LED indicates the output. The board is Arduino compatible and the example code...
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Interactive LED Coffee Table – Arduino Compatible
The project demonstrated here is an IR proximity sensor-based LED light, mainly designed for interactive coffee tables, but also can be used as single interactive light. The table can be made with multiple of these PCBs. Multiple tiles can be used as shown in the image below, each...
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Low-Cost DC Motor Direction Controller with Fast Brake using 2 Relays
The project presented here is a low-cost easy to use DC brushed motor direction controller with fast-brake, the project was built using two 12V Relays, 2 x BJT transistors, and 2 x tactile switches. The two LEDs are provided to display the motor direction, 2 tactile switch controls...
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Arduino 4-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
This project will help you to easily develop an Arduino compatible project that requires 4 x -7Segment 0.5" displays. The project consists of an Atmega328 microcontroller, 4 x BC847 NPN transistors to drive the common cathode displays. All displays are used in multiplexing...
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Arduino 3-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
This project will help you to easily develop an Arduino compatible project that requires 3 x 7-Segment 0.5" displays. These are common cathode displays that use multiplexed configuration, BC847 transistor drives 3 x common cathodes, all display segments are connected to the...
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Arduino 2-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
This is an Arduino compatible board for creating 2 Digit Display projects. The circuit operates with 5V DC, Connector CN1 is provided for bootloader programming and Arduino firmware upload. A new Atmega328 chip requires a bootloader and Arduino firmware programming, Connector CN1...
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